~ The Syndicate ~

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Two men were going to different destinations, Wilbur was going to the Ghostbur library and Tommy was going to Snowchester, both had to talk to the recent guests of the Eggpire to that mysterious banquet of which no one had been able to obtain information. Eggpire was a silent and mysterious faction, for this reason it was also considered dangerous but, let's go first with Tommy and Tubbo, they did have things to discuss

It's amazing how quickly people who were once your closest friend can turn into strangers or your worst enemies, and they were both experiencing that.

Tommy: ... Sorry for yelling at you on the comm

Tubbo: .... Same..... What do you want?

Tommy: can i come in?

Tubbo: *sigh* sure, come in... I guess you're not here for an apology

Tommy: No, not really, it's about the Red Banquet

Tubbo: oh... I still have the letter, it was the only thing in my house that wasn't broken into pieces or incinerated.

Tommy: Yeah, uh... Let's just say that's what happens when- y'know, when explosives fall from the sky... Is a mansion necessary for you? It's just- well, you're the only one living here

Tubbo: Foolish built it before he left to Badlands, he said it was a gift for helping him after that day

Tommy: Hm, well, he has an obsession with building that's obvious... Look, I know it's not something you like very much considering that you and I don't have anything to do anymore but... I think it would be better if you consider not going to that banquet.

Tubbo: Ha... Pff- HAHAHAHAHAHA, you came all the way here just to tell me that!? Please, Tommy Innit, I didn't think you were so pathetic!

Tommy: I'm not messing with you, you don't know what's there!

Tubbo: And neither do you! Whatever it is, surely it's better than being here


Tubbo: .... What?

Tommy: He's planning something, I- I don't know what it is exactly but I know you're involved and I think we both know why... They are taking "the most important figures" only, New L'Manburg was not exactly relevant when they sent you that invitation

Tubbo: ... I have not been someone who stands out much, you're right on that. It would be more reasonable if Dream was invited, even... E-even Jschlatt if he was alive...

Tommy: Now you understand me, this is too-

Tubbo: Suspicious...

Tommy: .... Yeah... Listen Tubbs- *sigh* Tubbo... I know maybe our relationship isn't exactly "friendly" right now but... You have to trust me now, the Eggpire- nobody knows anything about that faction, Punz tried to spy and it ended badly for him

Tubbo: We know he's alive, that's what matters... I can't give you the same confidence as before but... I want- I want to think that you won't try anything against my people or... Or against me while we figure this out

Tommy: I give you my word, that faction is not to be trusted, I will do what I can so that none of its citizens come near Snowchester

Tubbo: Thanks... But I will make something very clear to you, you are not welcome here, you won't be able to stay even one night. I appreciate you coming here to inform me about this but I will not risk those people losing everything because of you again

Tommy: ... I get it, I have to go now so...

Tubbo: sure.... Tommy

Tommy: yeah?

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