~ Festival gone wrong ~

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Narrator's Pov

Tommy's birthday again, but this time he wouldn't celebrate it with his friends at a crazy party, he wouldn't be awake until 10 in the morning because he was laughing and living with those people that he considered his family that was beyond blood, his 17th birthday would be in Pogtopia far from everything he ever called home

The young man was walking along with Wilbur, apparently he was seeing Dream for reasons he didn't want to explain. Tubbo also told them that Jschlatt would make a statement for Manberg, it had already been five and a half months since they were exiled, five and a half months with Tubbo as their spy and Technoblade on their side, five and a half months in which Wilbur's true personality began to come to light after seven long years of pretending to be the kindest, most pacifist and intelligent person in his faction just to come to power

While they were going through the tunnel that connected Pogtopia with Manberg, that was Tubbo's work by the way, the boy alerted the brothers by a note that Jschlatt found the tunnel and to seal the passage to Pogtopia, this note also indicated that Quackity and Fundy were also going down so they had to act fast. They sealed several roads and created false ones with wood to make it look like a dead end, although the British did not count on his younger brother to make his typical play of accidentally ruining half a plan

Tubbo: I don't think you should be here- I mean, uh, I haven't finished this yet a-and it was a surprise

Jschlatt: a surprise? Tubbs, I think it fulfilled its purpose, frankly I did not expect this

Tubbo: This w-was for people to see- see the land that they're living on, a place full of minerals and valuable things that y-you have given them during these months- well, uh, you and... And Q-quackity

Quackity: see Schlatt? Tubbo would never be against us, i'm glad you're finally doing the right thing Tubtub

Fundy: yeah, the first few weeks were full of tension between you and Jschlatt, it's good to see that everything has calmed down, you even started to let your horns show

Tubbo: w-well he's.... M-my father.... Denying my hybrid part would be denying him and uh, I w-wanted to do this as an apology for... For those weeks I confronted him so many times.

Jschlatt: .... That's why you're my right hand son, I knew you'd do the right thing sooner or later. I'm proud, seriously, although we could improve this place a bit

Quackity: why the fuck is there so much noise over here?

Tubbo: a-ah, that-that si a dead end and-

Tommy: OH SHIT! *falls* ouch

Fundy: what a weird dead end Tubbo

Tubbo: I-I-

Wilbur: Schlatt! I didn't know you were here, oh stars Tommy, get up

Jschlatt: Wilbur, it's weird that you came out of the "dead end" Tubbo said

Wilbur: dead- AHH, sure, no, we've been mining a bit and- Quackity please stay away from that

Quackity: oh! This- pff- it just keeps going...

Fundy: I think your son has been lying to us Schlatt

Tubbo: I'm not! I-I had no idea of this, I literally didn't know Fundy

Fundy: I don't believe you shit! As soon as he came to power you just became a fucking burden and now you're so "oh I want to apologize by doing this for you" you're just lying!

Tommy: Fundy why don't you just admit that you're scared that Tubbo will take away your lousy attempt at father figure by being with his real son?

Fundy: You shut up!

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