~ The village that went mad ~

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Where the fuck has Karl been lately? Well, to know the answer to that, we have to recap a little what he has had to do now that he has taken over as "The Historian". Firstly, he entered a portal where he not only encountered the possible fact that George has seen and experienced the beginning and end of the Dream SMP hundreds of billions of times, but he had to apply the tactic of Wilbur and the five Doomsday judges and blow up an entire town

Second, he returned to his present only to find a war was about to start but before he could even participate, he was once again called to write another important event on his history, a masquerade that ended with the murder of several people and the discovery that The Egg has been in the SMP much earlier than he had thought, then he was forced to write a small event from his life when he was a child, which brings us to the present point

Karl was being guided by the goddess of life to a new portal where he would have to write again and, this time, narrate a new chapter, a mad village and unfortunately for him, he would have to survive three hellish days or more in that place. The deal was that he would finish writing his beach party experience and go home, but DreamXD preferred to speed things up a bit. The traveler entered the portal now with quill and journal in hand, ready to end this and return home to defend his home.

Karl: Okay... This has to go well...

The traveler walked until he reached the village where he saw a man and a woman talking calmly, they noticed Karl's presence since in a small town, everyone knows who lives and who doesn't live there. The woman approached Karl and to the traveler she had a great resemblance to Quackity, "it seems that literally everyone is a descendant of someone from these stories", Karl thought.

– Excuse me, can we help you?

Karl: Ah- yes... My- my name is Karl and... I really don't know where I am

– Oh! Don't worry about it, my name is Helga, and this is my husband Jimmy.

Jimmy: Nice to meet you, I am the mayor of this village

Karl: oh... Oh! Oh, I understand, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience

Helga: Don't worry... I recommend you find a place to stay... This place at nights...... Is not good

Karl: What-what are you talking about?

Jimmy: It's a terrible thing, I'm sorry to inform you that there are murderers in this place... They attack at night, so you better sleep with one eye open son

Karl: Have you not been able to catch them?

Jimmy: no... And we've already tried everything, the current strategy is to start deducing all together, investigate and hopefully survive.

Karl: ... I understand... Thanks for warning me

A little boy came running towards them while a stranger asked him to stop or slow down, the boy collided with the traveler and seeing a stranger in his home so suddenly, he froze, mostly because he had never seen someone wear the same clothes as Karl.

Robin, we have already talked about this, you must not let go of me, I had to ask several times where you were

Jimmy: It's okay Catboy, it's not the little guy's fault, I understand that the kids want to play a little

Karl: He is your brother?

Catboy: I wish he was, you're new here, right? I've never heard your voice before

Karl: Yeah... I'm uh- I'm looking for a place to stay

Catboy: Well... I guess you know what happens here so if you need a place to stay, my house has plenty of space... Robin, where are you?

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