~ The Storm Chapter™ ~

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~ Three days before the Dry Waters explosion ~

Tommy was in Logstedshire, he had nothing to do there, he just didn't know where to go, Tubbo and Ranboo were busy most of the time with Las Nevadas and Michael, oh...



He really didn't want to go take care of him, Tommy was 23 years old, he had barely been able to take care of himself, and now he has to take care of a two-year-old at most? Logstedshire didn't give him good memories, everything that happened there would be better for him if it were blocked by his brain. He arrived in Snowchester almost automatically and knocked on the door of Tubbo's mansion, not even a week had passed since the Red Banquet, so it was obvious that Tubbo would feel strange around someone without thinking that they want to kill him... Again

Tubbo: ... You came

Tommy: You called. where is he?

Tubbo: Asleep, Ranboo had to leave so it will only be you and him, y-you don't have a problem with that, right?

Tommy: Meh, we'll be fine... I'm not the best there is when it comes to babysitting but I think I can try

Tubbo: ... Sure... I'll be back in a bit, but what took you so long?

Tommy wanted to tell him

Gosh, Tommy was dying to tell someone what was going through his mind, but he knew what Tubbo thought of him, he knew that he couldn't count on him, he knew that sooner or later he would use that information against him. So he kept quiet, brushing off the question almost immediately, as if trying to dodge something that was practically inevitable.

Tubbo: I still don't understand how you accept so easily when I ask you for a favor

Tommy: How could I tell you no? It's strange, you know? I never thought that the first thing I would see of my best friend's life was-

Tubbo: We're not friends anymore... Not for a long time

Tommy: ... Sure... You must- you must go now, right?

Tubbo: I'll be back in a few hours, maybe Ranboo will arrive before

Tommy: Well... I guess it'll just be you and me Michael

Michael: Basement!

Tommy: No, you don't want to go there, trust me.


Dream: And they don't know you're here?

Ranboo: I blame my Enderwalking, though we both know I can't stay too long

Dream: hm... How's The Syndicate going?

Ranboo: As long as they don't know how it started or with whom, we'll be fine.

Dream: ... Well I guess you should go now

Ranboo: Yes... What will you tell Sam if he finds out?

Dream: Let me take care of that, go with Tubbo and your son

Ranboo: He spends a lot of time in his nuclear lab... It's worrying

Dream: As long as he doesn't try anything crazy for everyone in the nation, let him be distracted.


Tubbo: Quackity?

Quackity: yeah?

Tubbo: ... I was wondering... If... If I were to agree to stay as you requested... I could still take care of Snowchester and my family, right?

Quackity: Your family? Tubbo I think you are not understanding me, the fact that you come to Las Nevadas implies leaving all that behind... The road to success is a lonely one

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