~ spoiler alert: Everyone will fucking die ~

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- Narrator -

The president of New L'Manburg was waiting for his friend on that bench where they used to meet so much, it was as if only that, L'Mantree and a statue of Pokimane were the only things that had really stood since the wars began. He saw how Tommy arrived at a slow pace along with Friend, apparently Ghostbur couldn't stay with Techno after all, the snow hurt him more than he thought and it had only been three days

He left the sheep tied to a fence and sat next to his friend with the only disc that was left, curious, Tubbo decided to ask where the other disc was.

Tommy: the disk was destroyed along with Logstedshire

Tubbo: oh... I'm sorry

Tommy: Well, at least there's one left, right?

Tubbo: *giggles* yes... Why did you want to see me?

Tommy: I already made a decision ...

Tubbo: Oh really? And-and what is it?

Tommy: ... I'll stay by your side, I've been thinking about it and... It's not worth ruining our friendship over this

Tubbo: *sigh* thanks Toms, seriously

Tommy: No problem... I don't remember the last time we were here

Tubbo: I think it was the day before the election... Geez Tommy, can you believe it's been so long?

Tommy: It's surprising even to me, Phil told me that you went to ask him for help.

Tubbo: Eh- yes... Nikki didn't answer so... I didn't know what else to do

Tommy: Hm, well, we were both part of politics, you could have come with me.

Tubbo: I know, I just- I thought it was better to go with... Someone with more experience.

Tommy: If you don't have anything else you want to say, I have to go.

Tubbo: W-wait, just like that?

Tommy: *sigh* Tobby, I have a life beyond this, besides, I don't think anyone is really going to help you. Maybe you managed to make the faction a bit more peaceful but... You haven't really done much

Tubbo: you don't have to be so harsh ...

Tommy: I'm just saying what everyone's thinking, ah, Quackity left in the morning, he said he had better plans than... This

Tubbo: What do you mean he left?! Tommy!

Tommy: what? Tubbs I have to go

Tubbo: Just- just stop being such a dick for a second, I don't understand what's wrong with you or why suddenly you're like that, did I do something wrong?

Tommy: well...

Tubbo: I'm not talking about exile, I know that was a big mistake

Tommy: ... Tubbo, my intention is not to hurt you, it never was.

Tubbo: So why do you act this way?

Tommy: Tubbo we're friends, I would never-


Tommy: TUBBO WE'RE FRIENDS!... I'm sorry to hurt you but it's you who decides to react like this, okay? Things have changed since exile and execution, in part this is because of what you have done

Tubbo: So how do I fix this? I just- I just want to prove to you that I really regret what I did

Tommy: You'll know everything is fine when you see ir, now I have to go... I spent a lot of time here already

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