[015] orbital dominion

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"That is beautiful."

"You betrayed me."

"Is this what honor is worth?"

Mera softly opened her eyes as she felt herself muddled with the milk of the poppy. Her eyes looked about as she found herself in her chambers before she took a deep breath and sat up.

The cradle of her brother had been once again, placed in her room as she heard his soft little babbles. Her father would have never allowed her to be treated like this. 

Treated like some second grade princess. Treated like a burden or rather something someone leans on while their hurt, giving her nothing to lean on when she's hurt.

Mera groaned as she got up, her feet hitting the stone cold floor as she walked to her windows before closing the drapes tightly. She walked over to her stars before lighting a candle as she grabbed her quill.

Mere felt at peace when she worked. When she was consumed by her thoughts and her thoughts only. 

"South of 68, North of..."

She closed her eyes as she whispered, "Gem, geoid, find epicenter, go home."

Mera clenched her jaw as she evened out her breathing as thunder ensued. She had slept for the entire day and now she was going to work for the entire night.

Sparks of fire and light taps of rain drops falling splashed through her mind as she then opened her eyes to the lashes and sparks of fire. The whiffs of energy and shattering glass. The look of shimmering dust and blue waves of the sea.

"I have it."

Mera opened her eyes as she placed her glasses on and began to lit every candle in her room, illuminating the entirety of the dark chamber.

She walked to the center of her room and as she placed a candle there, the ideas and thoughts began to generate.

Things fall like a glass and break for a reason. They don't float in mid-air for a reason.

Mera grabbed a glass cup before dropping it and allowing it to shatter as the sound echoed throughout the large chamber, bouncing off the columns and domes as Mera looked over to a lever and to the dome ceiling.

She walked over, and pulled the lever as dust fell and the chains creaked. And then she saw it. The dome slid apart like a flower and it's petals, exposing the glass dome that allowed light to shower through, illuminating the center of her room.

Mera walked from the shadows as she held her hand out. The light, it was like a waterfall. A beam of light that illuminated the middle of the room

She smirked before grabbing another cup and allowing it to shatter, the sound ringing like a harp.

If there is something that keeps the objects stationary, something that keeps them grounded, then there has to be something that keeps the Earth grounded. 

It has to exist in a...in an order. In a pull, a confinement. It has to exist in a...a system. A system of order...of dominion.

The Earth has to be kept together by something or else I would be floating in space. It has to be kept stationary like I am kept stationary. But there needs to be something that can generate a pull, strong enough to keep me—no, to keep Earth grounded.

An energy, a power. No. 


Earth and I are kept together by a force and that force is generated by an object strong enough to keep us all together in a system.

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