[036] To Those Who Would Harm Me

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Mera opened her eyes as she looked at the sunlight filled office of Vaegon. She had fallen asleep on a chair as she wiped off the drool on her face. Her eyes looked around as they adjusted to the light.

She looked down at her stitched hand as it had been wrapped in silk. Mera rubbed her eyes as they stung. So much happened last night, she couldn't tell if it all had truly happened or if it were just her imagination.

Mera cracked her neck as she sighed. Vaegon's office was a glimmering cathedral of a fire hazard. Papers had been littered everywhere as books piled atop each other. Candle wax had dripped onto floors and blooks as she saw the curtains had been chewed by moths. 

"You look like you had a shit night."

Mera turned to see Vaegon as he looked at her. "Fuck off old man." He snorted, walking over as he took a seat across from her. 

"That's Rhaenyra's daughter."

Mera arched a brow at him as she held her head. It ringed in pain as her eyes were sore and achy. Vaegon smiled, "Did you see everything?"

Mera sighed as she nodded. "...Someone said something about a prince. If I remember it was...From my blood, come the prince that was promised...and his will be the...the song of Ice and Fire? I think it was something like that."

Vaegon narrowed his eyes, nodding as Mera then added, "I saw a woman. An old woman. She knows about the library. I don't know who it was but...she was...she felt like home."

He hummed, taking out a book as he opened it to a page and gave it to her. Mera took it, looking at a line of stars, pointing to a spot on the map. "Essos?"

"I assume so. The stars say so and...it seems it is."

Mera nodded, biting her lip as she tore at the flesh. "I...I don't know if I can do it."

Vaegon widened his eyes, "What? Ridiculous, of course you can do it. Your smart, cunning, you can fight. Of course you can do it. I know you'll find the library. And trust me Mera, you will excel."

Mera looked to him as a tear fell from her eye. "I've lost hope Vaegon. I went out into the world and I feel like it's swallowing me up and shitting me out. Not going survive out there."

Mera didn't what happened. It could have been the feeling of being a failure in the lab that made her feel this way but she didn't want to go. She didn't feel good enough. At least not anymore.

She wanted to feel good. To feel like she was good enough. She didn't know how to anymore. Vaegon didn't know how to help her either. She needed a push. A threat that convinced her to leave and find what she needed.

"Mera." He watched her, unresponsive as she seemed to stare at the floor. Vaegon frowned, looking at her eyes as they seemed to look transparent with the morning sunlight, hitting them. 

She seemed out of it. The skin around her eyes had been parched red as she seemed pale, colorless. "Mera!"

Mera shuddered, looking at him as she cleared her throat. "Wha-What?"

"You are not well. And I cannot help you unless you go out and help yourself." The concern in his voice had been laced with worry as his eyes spoke a thousand words. 

The last time his sister had needed help, he left her. And because of that, she died. Death doesn't seem so bad until it actually happens. As smart as Vaegon was, he never anticipated the true feeling of death. 

Everyone of his sisters and brothers died. 

They all died, leaving him alone at the citadel. The feeling of never seeing them again made his heart jump with pain and the thought of never knowing what their voice sounded like made Vaegon all the more sad. 

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