[021] King's Landing

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Sometimes, oddly really, time feels quicker when one is nervous. Does that happen for you? Maybe yes or no but it was for Mera.

Time passed so fast for her, she barely noticed that she had already boarded the ship and had set sail for King's Landing.

She had her gift in a box, covered with a large Velaryon banner as the perfume bead sat in a box in the pocket of her thick coat with white lily of the valley, flowers embroidered on.

Mera sighed as she played with the ring on her gloved finger. "Mera."

Ser Darklyn walked over as he smiled to her. "Are you excited?"

She took a deep breath as she said, "I suppose so. But, more nervous than anything."

He nodded as he then said, "I am excited. This is my first ever wedding."

"Me too, Steff. Me too."

He looked to the shining moon stone on her finger before asking, "I always see you wearing that ring, who gave it to you?"

Mera looked down. "Father did."


"No." She said flatly as he nodded. He looked to the Keep coming closer and closer to them.



"How does this ship work? I always feel like the castle is coming towards us and we're not coming towards him."

Mera smirked. "The ship is aquadynamic."


She cleared her throat as she huffed. "Aqua as in water and dynamic as...in dynamic. It moves with the flow of the water without any fight or struggle. Additionally—" Mera looked up at the mast as she motioned towards it, "This mast is controlled by the ropes and as the wind pushes us forward, the sail will resist so we will be pushed forward, smoothly and fastly by the wind."

"What controls where we go?"

"The tiller. It directs us to were we go. North or South, East or West."

"What if there were no waves to push us?"

Mera took a deep breath as she said, "Well, it wouldn't move."

"Um, you just said we'd move forward."

"Because of the wind. An object or out ship, that is not accelerating will not change its speed or direction unless acted upon by an outside force. So, our ship won't move unless wind or a wave causes us to move."

Ser Darklyn nodded at the brain melting explanation. It always seemed Mera knew the answer to every question he had. Well, to every question that everyone denied telling him.

He could tell she was plotting something by the way she pursed her lips and tapped on the railing of the ship.


Mera turned as Ser Darklyn did before she sighed and walked to the servants, handing them some coin. "Have my gift brought to storage room 19."

"Yes princess."

"Thank you." She the looked to the small ramp being released onto the land. Mera then grabbed a small bag of coin from her pocket before stepping off and tipping the caption and crew as they thanked her and bowed.

Mera then looked to the carriage that awaited her before before shaking her head. "I think I want to walk back."

Ser Darklyn widened his eyes as he said, "We cannot allow that happen princess. Your safety would be—"

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