[024] Poppy. Goldfish. Cyclops

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Mera washed her face with ice water before she applied her makeup again, changing out of her dress and into her scholar suit and dress as she placed her tie on before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she tried to calm herself.

Everything is going to be alright. I will be alright. Just breath.

She took a deep breath before wincing as she fisted her hands, slamming them on her desk as she let out a deep groan of frustration. A splitting migraine had rammed itself in her brain as she groaned in pain and crumpled onto the ground, clutching her head.


Denise walked over as she rubbed her back before she softly soothed, "Are you alright? Do you need some poppy?"

Mera nodded as Denise walked to her trunks and opened a small box of small glass vials filled with white liquid. She ran to Mera before giving her one as she popped the cork off and chugged it.

Denise looked to see Mera soften her brows as she dropped her shoulders. She was very concerned. Mera had been drinking and taking poppy three times as much as she once did.

A little sip of wine was fine but now it had been flagons and bottles of poppy being consumed everyday.

"You shouldn't be taking it Mera, maybe you need a nap instead?"

Mera shook her head as she said, "No, I don't want to nap. I...I just want to...um."

"Mera your slurring your words, you can't go out like this."

She sighed as she clutched her head before she said, "I'll be fine."

Denise pitied her as she helped her up before following her out the door as Mera tried her best not to fall. She squinted her eyes at the bright sunlight before whipping her hair back and storming to the tents where crafts and all sorts fun activities where held.

Mera frowned as she heard saw her mother smiling to her before Baela, Rhaena, Luke and Jace ran to her.

"Mera, can you help us score a stuffed dragon?"

She rolled her eyes as Luke beamed and pulled her to the station where Aemond stood there, smirking at her state.

"You look like shit."

"As do you, uncle."

Aemond smirked as Mera took a out a golden dragon and handed it to the stall man. "A round of darts."

"Yes princess."

"Thank you."

Aemond hummed as he motioned for a tray as well. "I didn't remember you threw darts for stuffed animals."

Mera shrugged as she replied, "And I didn't remember you cared."

Aemond scoffed as he snapped, "I'm only here because you broke Helaena's heart."

Mera grabbed a dart as she threw it at the puffed flour bags, popping it as flour blasted everywhere before looking to see Helaena sitting by herself with a pouty face.

"I didn't mean for myself to be crowned-"

"Really? Because now, Ser Darklyn is becoming a knight of the King's Guard."

Mera threw more darts, relieving her anger as she hit the bull's eye. Luke, Jace, Baela, and Rhaena flinched while the flour bursted everywhere as the stall man blinked in surprise.

"Mera? Could we get the stuffed pig? O-Or a seahorse, oh Mera, what if we got them all."

Aemond looked as he saw Mera clench her jaw before grabbing the entire bunch of darts before launching them at the bags, popping them all as the flour bursted over the stall man.

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