[029] Helaena

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TW: A very Faith of the Seven Bedding Ceremony with Otto and his antics. 

Alicent helped her daughter undress as Helaena weakly smiled before she looked onto her dressing stand at the small perfume bead Mera left her. She knew she acted too brashly but she was angry and Helaena felt perfectly justified. Mera should have been happy for her, she was her friend and thats what friends do. They cheer each other on, was it just so hard for Mera to do that?

"What's on your mind my sweet?"

Helaena shrugged as she sighed. She remembered what Mera had said about...coitus? What is that?

"What is going to happen mother?"

Alicent looked to her daughter as she turned around, dropping the smile she held all day. "You don't need to—"

"Tell me. Please?"

Alicent sighed as she placed a strand of hair behind Helaena's ear. She knew exactly what she was doing but she knew not to say anything.

Aegon needed true born heirs not ones sullied by the blood of Rhaenyra's daughter. 

Helaena looked to the bead before taking it and placing it on a clip, attaching it to her dressing gown.

Alicent took a deep breath as she breathed out, "Aegon will—"

The doors were opened to the High Septon, a septa, and Ser Otto with Aegon trailing behind him as he stumbled in his footing. The mother and daughter looked to the entourage as Alicent tensed while Helaena frowned.

"Mother what are they doing here?"

"They must witness the act being done—"

"What is the act? Tell me mother!"

Alicent sighed as she motioned to the bed. "J-Just go lay on the bed with your legs apart. It'll be over very soon Helaena."

Heleana looked down to her hand trembling as she suddenly felt scared. No one was telling her anything, should she have listened to Mera?

She quickly made her way to the bed as she climbed on and laid down, looking up at the canopy as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

She heard the septon start a blessing as she saw her mother look down and mutter a prayer. Helaena swallowed a she smiled. 

She heard Aegon take his trousers off as she frowned. "Wha—"

He climbed over her as Helaena looked around frantically. "What's happening? Mother?"

Alicent took a deep breath as tears brimmed her eyes. Her lip trembled as she saw Helaena squirm in protest.

"M-Mother, what happening?"

The servants furrowed their brows as they looked on in pity with the Septa looking to Alicent with a sort of distaste. Otto rolled his eyes as he looked to the servants who looked at him dumbfounded. He nodded to Helaena as they widened their eyes, complying as they trembled in fear.

Alicent whipped her head to him as she walked over. "Father please—"

"Do you want your children to live or not?"

She closed her mouth as she swallowed before nodding as the servants walked over, muttering apologies under their breaths as they went over and held her down.

Alicent tried her best to keep it together until her daughter started to scream.

She couldn't bare it as she tried to get to her daughter only for Otto to stop her with his iron grip. Alicent let out a sob as she quickly left. She held her stomach as she collapsed in the dark corridor, crying as she prayed to the gods for forgiveness.

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