[018] Disgust

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"A little more to the left, Mera."

Mera grunted as she turned used the wrench to turn the screws on their new creation. Her sleeves were pulled to her shoulders as her black braids were tied back.

"Is that better?"

"I think if you were to move it all a bit more left, it would be perfect Mera."

She sighed as she closed her eyes before taking the wrench and pulling it all the way towards the left.

"That is great!"

Maester Gendarys grabbed his glasses as Mera placed hers on before looked to the interior where all the screws and bolts accompanied with turning wheels and all sorts of mechanics lay.

"That is what I call art."

"The best of the best."

The great telescope shimmered in the sunlight as Mera and Maester Gendarys stood by it. She smiled as he did before she sighed.

"Now we have to find someplace to hide this one."

He groaned as he rubbed his eyes before Mera took her glasses off and said, "I don't suppose our cave is yet to be filled if we blast more material out of the way."

"Heck yes."

She smiled as he did to her before Mera and him levered the telescope onto the wheels and began to push it out of the dome room. 

They had moved from the small corner of the library and upgraded to the largest storage room before they blew the door apart and into a dome shape, ergo, the dome room.

Mera groaned as she pushed the telescope out before they began to push it down the corridors making servants stand against the walls as they watched them push the telescope out before the guards wretched the doors open as they then pushed it down a makeshift ramp and onto the beach.

The waves were grey as they were soft and soothing while the grey skies and stormy clouds were all that made Dragonstone what it was.

Three years and the island had not changed, except the caves under Dragonstone.

Mera and Maester Gendarys had used an entire system of tunnels and caverns down on the island of Dragonstone made from abandoned dragon lairs where they stored all their catapults, telescopes, re-designed scorpions, and serpentine cannons.

They then rolled it to the section of telescopes before pushing it next to a smaller one. This had been their biggest telescope yet and Mera was very proud.

Maester Gendarys then grabbed a torch, lighting it before gently lighting another one creating a chain of fire being illuminated causing the dark cave to glow with light. 

"That makes 10 telescopes, 75 scorpions, 90 catapults, and 37 serpentine cannons."

Maester Gendarys widened his eyes as he said, "Does your mother know she has an entire artillery base down here?"

Mera scoffed as she said, "She doesn't even know I'm closing in on fourteen namedays."

He nodded before Mera said, "I think, now it is the question of the fact that what is one going to launch with all these...weapons."

 Maester Gendarys sighed before Mera grabbed a white coat from a hook and walked to another cavern.

"Mera! Heck."

He quickly walked over and grabbed his coat before grabbing two pairs of glasses and two pairs of gloves.

"You need to have these on when your in here."

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