[028] Dance the Night Away

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Mera stumbled back into her room as she clutched her shoulder. She ripped her dress off as she grabbed a dagger and slit her bandages off. Cold sweat had ran down her forehead as she clenched her jaw and ripped the bandage off.

The wound had started to bleed again as Mera gasped in pain. "Fuck."

She grabbed new silk bandages before cleaning her shoulder and wrapping it. Her dress had already been ruined with all the blood as Mera looked to it and sighed, crumbling to the floor in guilt. She groaned, holding her head as she dug her fingers into her palm.

She allowed her father to be murdered.

She allowed her mother to get married again.

She had allowed her friend to get married to a degenerate.

She had allowed Ser Darklyn to become a King's Guard.

Mera knew she could have stopped everyone of them but she didn't. She just wasn't strong enough to and the feeling of guilt, once again, washed over her every time she was reminded of them.


Mera looked up to Denise as she walked in. "Oh my god, Mera."

She ran over, helping her as she took a vial of poppy and handed it to her. "Here, drink."

Mera drained it of it's contents as she took sharp breaths. "My dress is ruined."

"I have another Mera."

Denise ran to her closet as she pulled out one with ruffles and a sheer neckline with a small black collar. "I made myself, do you like it?"

"It's beautiful Denise."

She smiled and walked over, looking at her disheveled state. "Let's get you a bath before the feast. Mmh?"

Mera nodded as Denise immediately ran and had water summoned. It wasn't long before the tub was filled as Mera stepped in and cleaned herself of all the perfume that had latched onto her.

Mera tried her best to remain calm as she took deep breaths. But the feeling of losing air overcame her as she swallowed, a tear sliding down the scar on her left eye. She took deep breaths, trying to hold a sob back as she clenched her jaw.

But the feeling of frustration was too strong as Mera laid back, the boiling water engulfing her. 

It's your fault.

Weak. Just like your father.

Emotional, what an idiot.

Mera bit her lip, drawing blood before screaming as the water muffled any sound as bubbles surfaced the water.

Mera looked up as the bubbles surfaced the water before she blinked. She must have been crying but Mera couldn't tell. There are no tears underwater and Mera loved it. She loved how when she wore black, no one would see her bleed and when she laid under water, no one would see her tears.

"Where is she?"

Denise turned to see Rhaenyra walk in with a face of worry as she looked to the bathroom. Rhaenyra sighed as she walked in before frowning as she saw bubbles surface the water.


Rhaenyra ran over as Denise did before she pulled Mera out of the water as she gasped for air. "Mera, what's wrong? What's happened?"

She looked to her mother as she sniffled, her lip trembling as her eyes were red while her irises had dilated like a cats eyes.

"Oh my sweet. You've taken poppy again."

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