[031] Ophelia

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It is with great pleasure do I write to you again. I, Maester Gendarys the Maester of Dragonstone, am writing to you to secure a spot in each course of high academics for a great friend of mine. She will come to you with a scar, two large blue orbs, and two braids of black hair. Do accept her for this is a order and command from the Heir of the Iron Throne, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. The girl you will receive will and shall study with the maesters and archmaester pupils. Oldtown is to swear to secrecy. If this letter is given to a third party, her grace and her husband will eliminate the next 7 generations of you family as respect to your seven gods.

Maester Gendarys, Maester of Dragonstone

Mera felt the ship jerk as she opened her eyes, the morning mist had filled the docks as she had laid on her box before sitting up as she rubbed her left eye. It felt numb and sore as she looked around, taking it all in as she understood that yesterday was not a fever dream.

She sighed, cracking her neck before looking up and gasping at the sight of the great tower of Oldtown. They had arrived and gods it was a large tower but she quickly changed her mind.

My ancestors did better.

Mera shifted as she looked around the busy deck before seeing the docks a she got her things and ran to the front of the ship. The shops had all been open as the gleaming peak of the citadel, shimmered in the sunlight.

Oldtown was evermore busy as the small folk clamored about, laughing as they walked about the streets with their baskets of warm bread and fresh jams.

The men urged the goats through the streets as the woman hanged bed sheets and clothes on the line and opened windows to the fresh air of the city.

Mera had to admit this was a better city than King's Landing. Every person was more civilised and the smell of piss and shit was almost nonexistent.

She softly smiled as she rebraided her hair, black waves falling and being manipulated as she tied them before swinging them back as she looked to the city.


Mera whipped her head towards the docks as a ramp was slammed onto the ship. She took a deep breath, gathering all her wits as she headed towards it and walked off. 

She quickly made it off the docks as she looked around at the city before taking her black cowl and covering herself.

Sapphire blue eyes, scar, black braids. Not a very conventional look.

Mera took a deep breath before beginning to walk about as she looked around. Oldtown was much simpler with less people as there was actually room on the streets to walk on.

She smiled, looking about before spotting the shimmering peak of the citadel. Mera grabbed her skirt as she headed up the stairs and towards the great doors where Maesters and Septa walked in and out with books in hand.

Mera's gaze followed them as a horde of school girls and boys walked out. They had been dressed all in grey, a sign that they were studying at the citadel. 

She looked to them as they laughed and talked before some looked at her with a dirty look to which Mera ignored them as she ascended the stairs.

The birds and doves chirped across the sky as the morning arrived at Oldtown. It was a humble city but it's glamor was not in the slight being covered. 

The buildings had been made of stone as the streets had been clean and at a loss of any whores or brothels. Something of which greatly pleased Mera.

She huffed as she made it up the stairs before walking into the citadel. Sunlight had poured in from every glass window as the marble dome had a great chandelier in it's overhead. A few pigeons had made their homes in the great pillars as they flew across the dome.

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