[004] dragonstone and all it's dreary glory

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As the ships docked, and the man announced it, Mera walked off and onto the docks with a scowl and a frown. They had sailed before a night and a day before arriving at Dragonstone. Mera wore a dark grey coat as her hair was in it's curly and natural state. 

The dark and cold scene of Dragonstone unfurrowed her brows as she widened her eyes at the lonely castle that sat on the top of the island. 

"It's dreadful isn't it?"

Mera softly shook her head as her mother nodded. It seemed that everything was going to work out just fine for her. They walked up the never ending turn of stairs before ending at the great gates.

Everyone seemed out of breath as only Mera seemed unfazed and unbothered. Laenor cuddled Joffrey as Ser Qarl smiled to Mera. She hummed as the doors were opened before Mera was the first to walk in. 

She was excited to say the least. Every bit of Dragonstone was to her liking. Black, dark, cold and wet. It was beautiful and ghostly as it was just as she liked. Nothing was wrong with it, though, her brothers scowled and twisted their faces at the dreery sight.

They arrived at the map room where Jace and Luke proceeded to run about while Mera glared at them. Space taking beings. Just as she described. Rhaenyra smiled as she walked over, bending down to her level as she said, "Why don't you go find your room. I'll let you have your own this time."

Mera hummed before Rhaenyra said, "This is Dennise, she shall be your handmaiden for the time being." 

"Hello princess," she was a kind looking woman, fit and short for her age as she bowed to Mera before Mera nodded to her. 


"Here, let me show you to the rooms." Mera nodded as she led off to the array of chambers.

The first one was too small and to bright with pink and stained glass of flowers and birds. Disgustingly absolutely an abomination sort of disgust was the feeling that ran through Mera as she turned with widened eyes while Dennise smiled before she left to the next room.

The second one was white with an odd sort of dome shape. Sure she loved those dark and dreary domes but not in white. 

The third was just simply ugly so the second Mera saw it she walked out and left. 

They had walked across the entire castle as Dennise gasped for air while Mera walked comfortably. A large staircase stood in front of Mera as she beamed before she walked up, entering the steep and cracked spiral staircase.

"Princess this isn't safe."

Mera waved her off as she started to smile, her footsteps quickened as she ran up the stairs before she walked to the entrance.

Heavy dragon statues stood at the entrance of the large metal door while the word Morghul was carved onto the cracked black marble. Mera pushed open the large heavy door with a grunt before it creaked and ringed throughout the eerie staircase.

Dark, dirty, spiderwebs. Mera smiled as her face hurt before she took a look around. The room was huge, enormous, tall, and giant with great domes and arches that had dragons carved as if they were coiled around. Spiderwebs littered the place as dried black roses were dropped about while dust and a large bird cage hanged by the cracked and broken window.

There was a couch and a small table that was situated in the middle of the room while there was a small black spiral staircase in the middle of the room as it led to the top of the tall tower where a window with pillows and blankets were laid.

Mera turned as she then saw a wall, lined with books of High Valyrian and histories. She smiled as Dennise did as well before Mera walked around. Large domes with windows and paintings of a Valyrian woman were hanged about.

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