[001] the dragonless

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Mera shrouded herself in the large library of the Red Keep. The candles and old books gave her sanction as the darkness engulfed me, that was until her mother walked through with her pregnant self again, happy, for whatever shit happened. 

"My sweet, you been in this library for two days, you need to get out." 

"No, no I don't," staring at her book, she had begin to read about poisons and autopsies even though it was like she'd ever get to actually do one. "Your getting too pale, you need to see the world," she said as she sat down next to her. 

"The worlds full of shit, there's nothing to see." 

"You will watch your language young lady," looking at her sternly. "I'm not a Lady, I'm a Princess," as she turned a page and sighed. Her mother sighed at her coldness as she patted her swollen belly, "Your name day is only a day away, anything you want?" 

Mera hummed as she said, "At the moment, peace and quiet." 

She had gotten paler and perhaps more thin. Her eyes had sunken in more and in truth, she had not slept in a day, her hair was frizzy and tangled, as it was not brushed in a long time. 

The longer Rhaenyra looked at her daughter, the less she could take of it.

"That's it! I command you to leave this Library," Mera looked at her mother with disappointment and annoyance. She got up and took the book with her.

 "Leave it! Your not to take it with you," Mera sighed and dropped it on the floor with a loud thud as she mocklingly curtsied. 

"And take a bath! God you stink." 

Mera clenched her fist as she left with the door closing behind her. She rolled her eyes as she looked up the ridiculous stairs to the room she and Helaena shared. Alicent had tried to interject many times to split the two but Viserys always made it clear that he wanted the two to be close.

 Aegon then appeared. That stinking drunk. She knew all the dirt Alicent was sweeping under the rug. It wasn't hard to deduct at what happened to the rounds of maids being dismissed every other day. 

Mera always thought herself an observer. She liked to lean back with a cup of bitter pomegranate juice and theorize or deduce where someone was from perhaps the state of their shoes as an example, what they were doing, and who they were doing. All sorts of these things to keep herself busy at parties and balls. 

Trying to walk past him, Aegon took another step to the side as he got into her way, blocking her from her room as Mera sighed. 

"Well, well, well, Ryn." 

Mera rolled her eyes and spat, "Move, or you will be moved." 

Aegon hummed as he smiled and said, "I'd like to see you try," eyeing her up and down as Mera glared at him. She rolled her jaw as she scoffed before turning and looking around to see if the coast was clear or not. Whatever the case, Mera punched him straight in the face as maids shuddered and flinched at their prince yelping in pain. 

"OW FUCK! What in the Seven Hells Ryn?" 

Mera grunted as she kicked him where the sun didn't shine before he fell back, covering his jewels as he hissed and cried. Mera's lips twitched as she grabbed her skirt before she walked over his whimpering self as her skirt skimmed him and slammed her door shut.

That moron, he should have died in the birthing chamber.  

The chamber she and Helaena shared possessed a great stained glass piece made like a spider web, entertaining the love she and Helaena shared for spiders. Helaena's side was colorful and bright with all sorts of colors while Mera's was clear allowing the moon or sunlight to flow through.

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