[043] The Death of the Beginning

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Mera sighed, the touch of silk against her skin comforted her as she softly smiled. Something was wrong but utterly correct in every way.

The first memory Mera ever had was when she stood in her little nightgown and witnessed a fight between two figures. One in green and the other in black. She couldn't quite hear what they were saying before being swept away by her father.

What perhaps Mera tried to entail was that perhaps the first memory she ever had has guided her into the person she was. She wasn't ever one for confrontation until finding her mother's sweet smile to be infuriating when speaking or looking at her step-grandmother.

It wasn't that Mera ever really participated in her families hate against those...Hightowers but she couldn't lie she didn't ever encourage it. Mera wasn't one to waste her precious time on small pitiful matters but she wouldn't stand for that stupid disregard and disrespect her step-grandmother always gave her family.

But that was so long ago.

Now, Mera only laid in a bed of silk as one by one, her sensibility came back to her. First, she could smell the soft scent of peaches and perhaps lavender. Then, the golden light hit her pale eyelids as her eyes fluttered open as her sight sharpened as best as it could.

Her breath had evened out as she looked around. She slept on a silk and pillowed bed as drapes of peach chiffon covered the ends of her bed and masked the rest of the room.

Her neck still hurt as she shifted and groaned. There were no more shackles on her, at least not anymore.

Mera sat up as she softly pushed the silk blankets off. She rubbed her eyes before moving across the bed and getting off as she pushed away the drapes of canopy. Her memories had flooded back to her as she remembered the Mother Superior and her chilling voice.

She wondered if she had perhaps died or gone to some Lys pillow house by the looks of it.

Mera looked at the room. It was large, formed in a circular shape as silks and chiffon had been draped about. Soft orange light bled through the peach curtains as little charms hanged about. 

She sniffled, cracking her neck as she placed her slippers on. It happened so fast. She couldn't quite tell if it were real or not. Mera hoped it was, she had spent too much time in her dreams. She'd like it to be real for once.

The door then bursted open to a girl dressed in a light pink dress with a shawl of chiffon. Mera widened her eyes, tensing as the girl beamed, turning and poured her a cup of whatever was in the pitcher on a table.

"You're awake! Good morning Mera," she singed as she walked over and hooked her arm in hers. "Your awake. Come, drink."

Mera watched her as she floated over and opened the curtains as the light poured in. She held the cup in her hand as she then pranced over, "Lilianna or Lily." She held a hand out as Mera hesitantly then took it to receive a firm handshake.

"Come, our Lady Mother has told me to give you a tour."

Mera gasped as she was pulled out of the room. She looked at the girl, her bright blonde curls bounced everytime she talked as the blush on her face never subsided. Mera was almost mesmerized by her aura when she talked.

She found herself entranced and drawn in as Lily smiled. Mera's bright blue eyes observed the place she was in. Everything was as it was supposed to be. Perfect and in an orderly manner. 

The corridor had all sorts of stained glass pieces depicting dragons, silver haired people, and magic. Sheer white fabric had been draped about, creating a cloud like scenery as the etherealness was absolute perfection.

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