Chapter 3

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Zhan POV:

It's a bright sunny morning, and I can feel the energy in my bones. It's unusual. And quite the opposite from yesterday. Something in me cheers and makes me speak up with my cousin to let me walk with my two friends, Ji Li and Ziyi, to college. For what? I don't know. We chat about comics, books, and anime during the entire walk, but at a certain point, my feet stop automatically.

I turn around in search of finding the stranger who bumped into me yesterday. No one gets caught in my eyes except the students who rush to the college. It hurts. Of course, it does. Why? Why does it hurt? Why does my mind keep whirling around the guy whom I know nothing about? Standing awkwardly, I play with my fingers and try to come up with a single mind, but I can't.

"Zhan, are you okay?" Ji Li asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, rubbing the back of my neck and thinking about something. The answer even makes me strike it hard to believe because it's still something. I'm desperate to decipher what's going on in that head of mine. Sometimes, it's very tough to tell what I'm thinking, especially now.

Ji Li and Ziyi exchange looks before they both look back at me. The concern is visible on their face when Ji Li steps forward and wraps his arm around my shoulders, trying to figure out what. "You've just seemed.. down, lately. Does anything matter?" He asks, watching as I tense up.

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I smile, not really wanting to dwell on it.

"All right, if you say so," He smiles back. "Now, shall we?" He points to the students in front of us and makes me realize what I have to do. Frowning, I move along with them but leave a part of me there willingly.

After a while, we reached the college, and Ziyi pats on our backs before directing her way to her own classroom. It will always be like this from now on, so I am used to this. We make our way to our classroom and get greeted by a lot of people. Because of my stupidity, we're the last to arrive, so the only seats that are available are one in the middle and the other behind it.

Groaning, I sit in the middle with Ji Li behind me because he wants to stay away as far away as possible from the teacher. I frown and take my books out, hoping the class will go smoothly. To prove myself wrong, something hits on my shoulder and makes me turn back. I pick up the paper ball beside me and stare at it confusedly while thinking about what's it. 

"It's me, gorgeous

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"It's me, gorgeous. Why don't we go out this weekend?" Haoxuan Wang, one of the bullies, asks in a flirting tone.

"No need," I grumble, crushing the paper ball and putting it away. It will give him the answer even if the words don't sound good.

The entire class begins to laugh and murmur something under their breath. Probably it's about us. It goes on until the teacher, Zanjin Zhu, walks in. I can hear a sigh from some corners of the class. I turn around to see Ji Li holding his face with his hands. It isn't like it is better for me, either. For some reason, I abhor today's class. I can't concentrate when Haoxuan keeps flirting with me and blowing kisses. 

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