Chapter 37

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Zhan POV:

Today and tomorrow is one of those important days for me. And already, this day comes to an end with no one noticing. Previously, this time around, my parents were preparing surprises for me by making sweets, inviting neighbors and guests, and spending money on gifts and decorations. Overall seems like preparing for a festival. But it would just be my birthday.

I was born on a full moon at midnight, so they celebrated two days each year since I was a kid. Consider one for ending all the sorrows and the other for bringing all the happiness. Because they have always told me that I'm the happiness who ends all their sorrows! They never allowed me to worry about anything at this time, but now...

I'm filled with sorrow, unable to end it. Because probably this time around, Yibo should be out of seclusion if the principal was right. But he didn't. I searched for him the whole college, walking back and forth to the principal's office, but nothing helped. I didn't know what made him still caged. Sighing, I look up at the moon and stare at it with longing eyes before shutting them.

I could continue doing the rituals until he appeared in front of me if the candle was in my hands. But to my bad, the candle disappeared in thin air after I stepped out of the lake this morning. I didn't know whether I'd completed the ritual successfully or not. My heart hurts when the loneliness consumes me. Each year, this time, more people surrounded me, but now... I'm sitting alone by the window with no one beside me... Is it because I have this evil power like others have said? 

Tears streaming down my cheeks from my closed eyes when I'm thinking about life throughout

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Tears streaming down my cheeks from my closed eyes when I'm thinking about life throughout. Can't help, I jump down the window and start to amble around. My mind is a right mess, and I can't tell if this is the result or if I'm officially lost. Pondering over my emotions, I find myself somewhere in the red forest. Walking aimlessly, I have no idea how I have ended up at this part, never here before, yet my feet carry me to this place, so I keep going.

The path leads out of the rural part of the town, completely abundant. It seems people use this path, probably to collect mushrooms or redwood, so I'm positive, that I will not get lost and keep marching forth because I feel like this is what I'm supposed to do. By the time I reach the clearing, my eyes fill up with tears again, yet I'm uncertain as to why.

Looking around the small stream ahead of me, I sit down in complete silence, eyes trailing over the stars above. The quiet is nice and inviting, helping me clear my mind. My heart comes out from behind the veil, reflecting on all of those wishes, seeing a life where Yibo and I never separate, where we have a world for us to live together. Allowing myself hope, I wish all our promises and dreams to come true. Desire strong, I yearn to have my life forever linked with him.

The cold wind slaps my face, making me hear rustling from the path. Turning my head, my eyes widen as they lock onto the golden ones. No word comes out of my mouth as the other person walks over and sits next to me. In a flash, his eyes shift from gold to dark brown. My eyes widen further as I look away, swallowing the lump in my throat. It must be a dream!

My creation's hand crawls toward mine, the hallucinated form grabbing my hand and pulling me to close the distance between us, making the world stop its movement. Reminding myself that this is all happening in my head, I try to pull my hand away but am unable to. My eyes meet his again, face wet from the tears that start to escape at some point. "Y-Yibo," My hand reaches out hesitantly, fearing him disappear again, before putting it firmly on his cheek.

A weak smile curls on my lips before becoming brighter as I realize it's not a dream. Also, I totally forgot about the golden eyes. I fling myself at Yibo, breathing in his scent and kissing his brow and cheeks. I then peck him on the lips, a simple kiss, but it loads with so much love and hopeful promises between us, and when he smiles at me, I know he's thinking of the same thing. My fingers brush his handsome face as I kiss the tip of his nose.

I can hear a thunderous thud near the distance and realize it is coming from my chest, as all that exists is his quiet breathing and the wild thump of my heart. The universe shifts back in motion. I pull away, just slightly, until we can see each other's faces because I don't want to pull away entirely. "Happy birthday to me!" I smile, my heart full and almost bursting, and I'm determined not to lose this feeling to anything in the world.

"Not yet!" He breathes against my ear. His face is indescribable, but I don't get a chance to decipher what it means, as my face is suddenly pressed against the crook of his neck, strong arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. The last thing I recall before fading away is the heady scent of sandalwood blanketing me.

Hours have passed by the time the environment has changed. My eyes blink open when the peony scent invades my senses and brings me back to consciousness. There's a grave at the heart of the cemetery covered in peonies. It reminds me of whose grave it is because I'm the one who planted the first flowers after a week of their death.

Tears brim in my eyes unconsciously when the wonderful moments with my parents are relived in my head. I sob silently, and at the same time, sneeze lightly, so Yibo immediately turns toward me and realizes that I have come in nothing but a breezy short-sleeved shirt. Removing his own jacket, he puts it on me but not saying a single word. The well-up tears roll down my cheeks.

Before the tears touch the ground, dark tendrils appear from him, and begins to dig the grave to do something. My body freezes, all cells halting their movements, with me making a strange little sound in my throat other than nothing. The sand furiously blows off until the coffin becomes visible. Then he swirls in the air and coincides with the moon before directing his golden piercing gaze toward it.

The coffin creaks rapidly and shatters into several pieces before blowing off. Dark clouding smoke appears for a long moment until Yibo moves away to let the moon's gaze directly inside the coffin. With a wisp of smoke, two souls appear and take my breath away completely. A shivering sensation runs down my back with a bead of sweat, and something turns over, startled, like a turtle on its shell.

"A-Zhan," My mom smiles, opening her arms and nodding at me.

Like a whirlwind, I throw myself in her arms and clutch her, wailing loudly. The emotions are indescribable, so I hardly contain myself and pour my heart out, blabbering whatever bothers me when my dad wraps his arms around us. Listening silently, they reassure me that everything will be all right in less time because I'm a kind, caring, and pure soul who shouldn't suffer long. They say some comforting things and take the pain out of my heart.

We embrace in each other's arms and spend the lost time together until the ravens cloud the sky and bats screech to alert something. My parents pull away with a goodbye kiss and walk backward, hand in hand, eyes gluing to me. They sit on the coffin and blink at me lovingly with a satisfied smile. Together with them, I blink my eyes and put a hand on my chest, stopping my heart from breaking down when my mom beckons me to smile.

Helplessly, I smile and squeeze my chest, trying to handle the pain.

"Happy birthday, A-Zhan!" With that, they lay back, and the coffin closes its lid with silence before the graves are closed.

My legs become numb as the smile fades away, but a pair of arms circle me and straighten my lightweight body. I open my mouth, trying to form words, but only a string of incoherent noises leave my lips when I feel fingers dig into either side of my spine. I scream as a wave of invisible energy is forced into me. Something familiar dances along the edges of my consciousness. It is gold and dark at the same time, yet not entirely convincing, even though I can feel it reaching into my mind.

"Happy birthday, my queen!" I hear words against my skin, and the world stutters to a stop as I'm lulled into sleep.

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