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But wait- slender man don't have such handsome faces do they-

Louis screams seeing him inside his house is not less than a heart attack. Thismade harry chuckle at him, "Hey, it's only me!" Harry says and louis glares at him grabbing a knife he points it at him.

"It's you that's why I'm scared! Now get out!" Louis snaps.

Harry pouts, "c'mon, i came here to give you this lovely bouquet and you're kicking me out!"

"Yes, I am. Now get out!"

Harry drops his pout and puts on a serious face as he takes a step ahead, "why are you scared of me louis? You know, i won't hurt you."

Louis gulps as he keeps the knife pointed at harry, "don't step near me or I'll fucking stab you!"

Harry smirks,

"I'd like to see you try, my pretty Princess..."

Louis gulps and he looks around so grab something else too and in that time harry has now fully stepped infront of him.

Just as louis trues to swing the knife over Harry's arm, harry grabs his hand and jerks it so the knife falls down and hands him the bouquet that was in his hand.

"These harmful weapons dont suit you baby, these beautiful flowers do!" Harry says as he lets louis' hand go.

Louis throws the bouquet on ground and steps on it glaring at him he says, "I'm not a fucking baby! If you want to fight I'll fight!"

"Who says I'm here to fight!" Harry says as he glanced at his flowers on the ground, "i just wanted to make it up to you Louis..."

"I don't trust you Harry. I don't want you anymore! Just leave-"

"Louis, you said you'd never leave my side! You said you'll be with me even after hearing my past but see! You're running away before i even said why i am the way i am today!"

Harry says and louis can hear the hurt and sadness in his voice but he has a mission, he has to prove his father what he's capable of!

Louis grabs the collar of Harry's shirt and pushes him towards the wall, harry was surprised by his actions so he doesn't defend himself.

Louis grabs the knife from the floor and keeps it infront of Harry's neck as his other arm was holding the tall man to the wall.

Harry's wide green eyes made him smirk,

"I wanted you because i trusted you. But in return you used me. You played along in helping to find Edward but in this all you were that Edward the whole time... Just think how much a fool you made me harry! You played with my emotions and now you're saying you're here to make it up to me!"

Harry' felt a tightness in his chest when he saw tears in those ocean blue eyes. "Louis...i would never hurt you. I-i love you, louis. And if i told you why i want that file would you have betrayed your father and gave it to me?"

Louis growls as he hits Harry's chest with his arm and takes a step back, "But that doesn't fucking mean you'll fool me. You don't love me Harry, all you love is money..."

Harry shakes his head, "I love yo-"

"If you really would have love me, you would have told me the truth! You wouldn't have sneaked behind my back and steal that file." Louis says as he wipes his tears. He can't breakdown infront of his enemy, it's the biggest mistake anyone can make.

"You lied to me as well! You came to me to solve that case your father gave you! You got involved with me for your own benefit. So that you can get information out of me and solve that case make your dad proud and put me in the jail...right." Harry says and louis looks away from his eyes.

He's right...

If harry betrayed him he's not less than him! He was also trying to use harry to solve this case and put him in jail.

Harry keeps a hand on louis' shoulder that made him flinch and step back. Hurt flashes over Harry's face but it's nothing that can be hidden.

"I don't want to hurt you louis... We can live happily
, Just think about it. The records are erased, no one can take me away from you! No one can come in between us now..." Harry says.

"After burning my father's agency you still have guts to say this shit!" Louis snaps at him and Harry frowned.


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