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"This night was one of the happiest moment in my life, but you also made it the worst by holding this gun to my forehead Harry..."

Harry couldn't hold it and he breaks down into tears as he falls down to his knees in front of him. Louis closes his eye as tears stream down his face and he can no longer look at the sight infront of him.

The man who promised to protect him is kneeling infront of him, sobbing while still holding the gun he once held to kill him.

"Harry...you have to choose."

At that Harry takes a deep breath and looks at him, while still kneeling he looks into those red rimmed blue eyes and asks, "C-choose?"

Louis sniffs and wipes his tears as he nods, looking away from his eyes he mumbles, "That's the only thing I can think of right now..."

Harry frowns and goes to hold louis' hand but louis steps back making Harry's heart ache as he looks away from him.

"Louis I'm sor-"

"I said you have to choose. I'm not ready to hear your apology because what you were about to do... doesn't even deserve to be a mistake." Louis says and Harry nods as he rubs his face.

"You're right, I don't even deserve to be forgiven after all who I am and what I've done..." He slowly stands up and looks at Louis who was already looking at him.

"You have to choose Harry. If you want to live with me, you have to tell me everything - and I mean everything that you've been through. I want you to tell me about everyone who's been involved in your past- I know it's hard to open up and I've said it earlier I don't want to hear your past but now..." Louis watches closely, Harry's face features as they change when he speaks further.

"But now, your past is coming in between us. Its trying to kill one of us... Either you or me. I don't want to die and I don't want to live seeing you die." Louis says, his voice shakes as he says the last line that made Harry step towards him.

"I don't want to hurt you-i swear-"

"I saw what you want and what not. Either you do this or..." Louis' eyes locked with Harry's dark green ones that were still red from crying.


"Or you let me go..." He steps forward and holds Harry's cold hands as he continues, "If you really love me, you'd let me go..."

Harry shakes his head immediately, "I can't let you go, I love you-"

"TODAY YOU HELD THAT FCKING GUN TO MY FOREHEAD HARRY! What if you try to fcking kill me in my sleep tomorrow? Who knows what you might do just cause you think you're not good enough? I don't understand - what suddenly made you believe you're not capable of love or don't deserve the happiness!" Louis says as he grabs his hair in frustration. He was breathing heavily, his face was red.

Harry looks down, "I...met someone." At that Louis looks at him with a frown and grabs his shoulders to make him look at him,


Harry doesn't answers and looks away from louis, "Harry tell me who!"

"I'm...not ready to tell you." Louis' jaw clenched and he steps back as he nods.

"So you choose the second option. You'll leave me and continue on with your life. You decided to mourn the rest of your life still thinking about past!" He looks away from him and laughs bitterly as he says, "How stupid of me to wait for you five fcking year-"

"I didn't tell you to wait Louis. I didn't came to you first... I never told you to wait. You were the one who came to me first, and you decided to wait..." Harry says his eyes were stuck to the ground that angered Louis more.

"That's why I said HOW STUPID of me to wait for you! I should've moved on and continued my life happily without you! Right!" He looks at harry waiting for a response all he got was silence.

Louis sighed as he looks away from him, he runs his fingers through his hair as he takes a deep breath and says, "Harry, I don't know who you met? Okay, I have no idea why and who changed you so much suddenly. I don't  know anything about what women you're talking about, who were with you and what you did with her...i know fcking nothing and I can't...live with you like this."

Harry looks at him and watches as he removes his engagement ring, "Louis wha-"

"We're over Harry. I don't want to live with you and neither you want to tell me anything. Its simple and best for us to part our ways. Don't show me your fcking face again, Harry fcking styles!" With that louis throws the ring on Harry's face and turns to leave.

Tears were blurring his vission as he walked away from him. The pain in his chest was increasing making it hard for him to breathe properly, he wipes his tears as he walks away.

"Louis you promised you'd never leave me!" He hears Harry yell and that made him stop. He turns to look at him, his face was wet from tears his eyes were full of sorrow and regret.

"You choose this for yourself Harry...maybe it was meant to happen, maybe you're meant to find someone way better than me. I'm just, not the one for you Harry." He bites his bottom lip to stop the sob and turns back as he runs away from him.

"Louis... please. I'm sorry..." But he never stopped. Slowly he was out of Harry's sight. Harry looks at the ring on the ground and picks it up. He doesn't cared to wipe his tears away as he looks back at where louis went.

"I deserve this..."

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