The End

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Louis looks into the mirror at his reflection. The navy blue suit was fitted to his body perfectly. His hair styles back making him look older and mature.

He grabs the bouquet as he looks at himself all ready to get married to the love of his life. He takes a deep breath before he heard a knock and Niall peeks his head in.

"Lou, are you ready?"

He turns to face his bestfriend and nods as he looks at him. Niall gasps as he gets inside the room fully, "You're looking gorgeous Louis. I'm so happy for you!"

Niall wipes his happy tear abd Louis smiles as he pulls him in a hug. "Alright, let's go your soon to be husband is very impatient to meet you!"

Louis giggles and looks towards door, "I'm so nervous Niall..."

Niall pats his back as he holds his hand, "Its a mutual feelings, everyone has it. Just think about how happy you both are and how you're just about to start your new life!"

Louis sighs and nods as he looks at niall, "I'm ready Nialler!"

"That's my Lou!"


Harry lets out a breathe when his eyes lands on his soon to be-husband. He watches as he walks down the aisle for him. Holding a bouquet whike looking like an angel as,

Blue met green...

And Harry feels a rush of warmth inside his heart when he finally realises that today he'll finally make this beautiful boy his husband!

Louis smiled and Harry almost fainted at how beautiful he's looking. Louis buts his lip to stop smiling so hard as he climbs up the stairs and stands infront of harry.

His mother gave his hand to harry and said something that he didn't heard cause he was too busy admiring his fiance.

Black suit was making him look mature and hot nothing less than a Mafia don. Which he was...

The priest starts speaking but both of the love birds didn't heard a thing as they were holding each others hands while looking into their eyes lost and happy.

Harry puts the ring on louis' finger as the priest mentions him doing so. He brings his dainty hand up to his lips and gives his ring finger a kiss after putting the ring on it.

Louis blushes as he feels butterflies in his chest and does the same after he puts on the ring making Harry chuckle with happiness.

"And now you may kiss the-"

Harry didn't even let the priest finish his sentence and grabs his husband's waist and presses his lips onto his. Louis smiles in the kiss as Harry softly presses their lips into a passionate kiss.

He wraps his arms around Harry's neck and pulls him closer as he tilts his  head kissing him softly. Harry caresses his back as he slowly pulls back and rests his forehead against his.

Louis' lips were parted, his cheeks were rosy and his eyes were glossy blue shade of sky.

"I love you so much, Louis..."

Louis smiles and feels contained when Harry's pulls him in his arms embracing him into a tight hug.

"I love you too Harry..."


They were sitting on the couch of their living room. Grease was being played on tv as they both cuddled on the couch while their two dogs- bruce and Clifford were napping at their feet.

Louis looks at harry who was siping on his coffee eyes on the screen. He lifts his hand and keeps his index finger on Harry's chin and drags it to where his dimples appears.

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