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*Next Week*

Louis looks at the text that he got yesterday from Timmy.

Hey lou! I know you and harry are not on good terms but still I'd love it if you would join me in the ball party. *Address* whatever it is, I'm on your side! ;) See you tomorrow ××

Louis smiled softly looking at it, "Dummy..." He mumbles as he stands up from his bed finally. He was all alone in the house, Niall has moved out and is living with Zayn.

His mother has returned to their hometown and sold the house once she lived with her husband.

Louis goes in the bathroom and strips off his joggers and t-shirt. He looks into the mirror, his reflection looking back at him.

There were dark circles under his eyes, his eyes weren't bright blue instead they were dull grey. His jaw was covered with beard and his hair were grown down to his neck.

He runs his fingers through his hair as he sighs looking at himself he says, "It's almost amusing how a person can make you feel like you're the happiest person on this planet and then the next moment they leave you miserable and broken...as if I never meant anything to him"

He rubs his face before he finally gathered himself and hops in the shower. After cleaning himself, he shaves his beard and lets his hair be the way it is.

He goes out and into his closet. While looking through the closet he came across a diary, his old diary. That was in a box which his mother gave him. Of his old things that were at their old house.

He grabs it as a series of memories flash infront of his eyes. He was so naive back then, writting about his shitty life in a diary as if it'll solve all his problems.

He opens it and turns to the first page, his breath was knocked away at the name written on the first page.

3rd Jan 2013 (Louis is 16)

I met him... His name is Ethan and he's so pretty! *Heart eyes*

He bites his lips as that young boy's face came in his mind. He still hasn't forgotten him. The one who made him believe that love doesn't always has a happy ending...

He closed the diary before he reads further and throws it inside his closet, "It's true, not all love stories have a happy ending!" He grumbles as he grabs his black slacks.

He grabs a navy blue printed shirt and wears it, after grabbing his blazer he leaves the closet. He styles his hair back so it's forming a puff on his head. After putting on some cologne he wears his watch.

He sits down on bed as he wears his shoes then grabs his phone looking at the notifications...

0 messages from him.

"He didn't even bother texting me... God- what do i expect! He won't beg me to stay. I guess he understood why i left him..." He talks to himself as he walks out of the room.

Grabbing his car keys he leaves the house and drives towards the venue where Timmy's ball party is.

He's really excited to be there- not cause there's a chance of seeing Harry - but because he's an artist too. Maybe not officially, but he do paint and love to appreciate anyone else who does as well.

He can't wait to see the art Timmy has on show for the viewers...


"Hey Lou!" Louis giggles as he was pulled in a tight hug by Timmy. "Hii Timmy!"

The party was near by so he reached there earlier than expected. It was in a grand hall that were mostly used for receptions. There was a wall full of arts but they weren't for sale.

"I'm so happy you came." Timmy says as he pulls back and looks at louis, "I was feeling guilty texting you to come here actually cause you know he's gonna be-"

"Yeah I know he's gonna be here too but that can't stop me being at my friend's party? Right?" Louis says and Timmy chuckles as he nods.

"Ofc, and by the way i have no idea what happened between you too but just Know that I'm on your side!" Timmy says with a wink and louis laughs as he nods.

"That's what I expect Tim -"

"Hii!" Louia looks at the girl that came from behind Timmy. She was tall and beautiful, looking like a model. She had green eyes and sharp jawline, looking familiar with Timmy.

"Uh- Hii?" Louis says and looks at Timmy who rolls his eyes as he looks at that girl and then back at louis.

"This is Auro-"

"My name's Aurora Chalamet and I'm Tim' younger sister who's always guiding him and showing him the right pat-"

Timmy interrupts his sister, "That is so not True!"

Aurora rolls her eyes that made louis chuckle at them, "Hey Aurora, I'm Louis Tomlinson."

She smiled at him and Timmy hisses, "Aurora he won't fall in your trap, you can leave now!"

Aurora gasps, "What- i wasn't trying to impress him! By the way Louis I'm a law student and I'll be a lawyer hopefully by the end of this year. I've also modelled for few magazines but that's not my profession!"

Louis gives her a smile, "That's nice-"

"I know right! I can cook, clean, eat-"

Timmy gags as he pushes his sister away from louis as he says, "He's currently not looking for a maid so please piss off!"

Louis giggles as Aurora pulls Timmy' ears and says, "I'm a Wifey material boy who the hell do you think is maid here!"

Timmy huffs and gives up, as he grabs two drinks from the waiter and hands one to Louis "Here-"

Aurora takes away the second drink and locks her hands with Louis as she says, "Come with me Mr. Handsome, I'll show you some masterpieces my brother made!"

Louis nods with a big smile, there two siblings are really making him forget about his miserable life.

"It's my art I'll sho-"

Few guests interrupts Timmy and he excuses himself and leaves with them. That leaves Aurora and Louis alone.

She takes him towards the art piece that were set by the wall. She shows him a painting that was of a scene where it was raining and a man was holding an umbrella.

There were pieces of his body fallen on the ground instead of the rain drops that was a way of showing him breaking himself infront of this world.

"He painted this one when he was heartbroken that's why it turned out so good!" Aurora says as she takes a sip of his drink.

Louis frowns and looks at her, "Why is that so?"

She looks at him, "Because when a person is heartbroken his true emotions are revealed. Its as if he's naked not by clothes but by his feelings infront of everyone. That's why he distant himself from everyone and...creates this piece of work!"

Louis was lost in her eyes for a moment as he gathered the words and says, "So I'm not the only one who's love life is shitty?"

Aurora smiles as if she knows he would says this, "Everyone has a life and their own failures. Just as everyone has successfully life some still chase love till they die..."

Louis sighs mumbling,"That might be me..." and looked away from her intimidating eyes reminding him of someone...

"It's beautiful..." He says looking at the art.

She hummed but her eyes didn't left him as she said, "Truly amazing..."

He clears his throat as he takes a sip, "Um... Let's see other work, yea?" He says her as she was admiring him and it was making him nervous.

"Yea sure... there's so much to see here-"

"Well, Hello there!"

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