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"Well, Hello there!"

Just as they move to next painting they came face to face with the ones he doesn't wanted to see...That deep raspy voice already gave him goosebumps.

Louis' eyes locked with those dark green ones as he stops in the moment. Its only been a week since they last saw eachother but still it feels like its been ages...

"Hi Harry and Lydia!" Aurora says.

Louis frowns at the new name and looks at the person next to Harry. And now he noticed he's not alone. He was dressed in a black and purple suit while his arm was wrapped around the women's waist who was standing next to him smiling widely.

"Hello Aurora..." Harry says and avoids looking at Louis who was throwing thousands of questions at him through his eyes. He's avoiding him like he's not even there!

"How have you been? Its been so long since we last met!" Aurora says as she hugs the woman named Lydia.

"I'm alright, how are you tho i heard you're gonna be a lawyer soon!" Lydia says and aurora giggles nodding,


Louis looks away from them and at Harry who was looking at Aurora and lydia as if he's known them for a long time now.

He looks away from him before Harry notices and takes aurora' hand as he says, "Well Hello I'm Louis Tomlinson, even tho no one cared to ask. Anyway we have somewhere to be!" With that he drags Aurora away from the two people who had their eyes wide.

"Was that directed towards me?" Lydia questions and Harry clears his throat, as he says, "let's grab some drinks."


Louis and Aurora was now away from those two people. He looks around to find a quiet place and drags aurora there.

"I didn't knew you'd be so impatient!" Aurora says with a giggle that made louis shakes his head.

"We're not here for anything dirty okay!" He says as they both hide behind a wall where there was a huge window showing the scene outside.

"So what're we here for!" She grins as she blinks her pretty green eyes. Louis looks away, green eyes have became his weakness!

"How do you know that man?" He asks as he casually looks out trying not to sound as desperate as he just did.

She was silent for a moment before she smirks while saying, "He's hot isn't heeee-"

"Trust me I'm the only person in this room knowing how pretty much hot he is... inside out-" Louis was mumbling under his breath.

"Pardon me sir!" Aurora says snapping her finger before she gives him a grin, "I know he's hot and handsome, but I guess something is going on between him and Lydia!"

Louis rolls his eyes at that name, "Who is even her? I mean Lydia how...do you know him and her?"

He watches as she looks around while saying, "I know Lydia since i was like ten? Or something like that. And i know Harry for a week now-"

"How?" Louis interrupts being the impatient one. She narrows her eyes at him that made him clear his throat, "I-i'm just curious..." He shrugs.

"I was at Timmy' house with Lydia. We were having a dinner party- only the three of us as we're old friends. So, actually it was a welcome party. She came back from France, she was studying criminal psychology for the past years. As she was back here we were having a party-"

Louis coughs as he rubs his hands over his face, Aurora is sweet and cute but she's way too slow when getting to a point. "Sorry- Please continue, Love." Louis says with a tight smile and immediately regrets saying love when he saw her cheeks tint red as she blushes.

"Uh- um...so...yeah and Harry came there Uninvited. I met him there first time! Yup that's all!" She says and grins as louis gives her a smile.

"Great, we're late for dinner let's go or the food will be finish in no time!"

She laughs as she follows after him to the dining table, "You're funny Louis!"

He rubs his eyes, "I should be a clown instead of detective..." Just as the food was serves the couple sat right across him.

He doesn't wanna look at them but he can't help, he steals a few glances and all he saw was Harry smiling at lydia while she speaks nonsense.

"Louis, try this dessert its my favourite!" Aurora says at the end of dinner and Louis looks at the dish she gave him.

"Oh thanks, darling. It's my favourite as well!" He says and wipes the corner of her mouth where there was a bit ice cream. He gave her a fake smile and as expected she blushes furiously at his lie that made him feel a little bit guilty... He doesn't even like this icecream - or whatever cream it is.

He heard Harry clear his throat before he says, "Excuse me." He leaves the table and that made Louis dance in victory in the inside.

"You're Lewis, right?" Lydia asks after harry leaves. Louis got suspicious, why she decided to spoke to him after that lanky frog left.

"It's actually Louis if you haven't heard properly, i did introduced myself to you earlier." Louis says as he wipes his mouth with a white cloth actually trying to hide his smirk.

She rolls her eyes as she says, "Whatever it is. Mr Louis what is it that you do?" She leans forward looking curious and suspicious.

Louis leans back as he looks at his watch, "I'm a detective at the Tom' PI and also the owner of the agency." He says and feels his phone vibrate.

She raises her eyebrow then says, "Is it the same agency that was burnt years ago?"

Louis looks at her and he immediately got the signal, she knows about him! She knows him and god knows how and what she's doing here with Harry.

"Well..." Louis pulls out his phone to check the notification and his heart race faster by seconds as he looks at the text.


Meet me at the rooftop

He already knows who's it...

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