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"Louis... I'm sorry-"

Louis' eyes widened as he saw harry hold up the gun to his forehead, he immediately ran towards him but stops once the gun was suddenly pointed at him.

"D-don't come near me! Stay away!" Harry snaps that made louis flinch at his loud voice. He takes a step back as he gulps.

"W-what happened Harry? What's the matter? Let's discuss it together, put that gun dow-"

"I don't deserve this Louis... I don't deserve you or anyone in my life!" Harry yells as his breathing pick up. His hands shaking that was holding the gun which was still pointing at Louis.

"No it's not true! Why are you saying this Harry. I love you so much-"

"They said the same thing..."

Louis' heart ached to see tears pooling in Harry's eyes as they roll down his cheeks he pleads, "Please, tell me who? What are you talking about?"

Harry looks at him for a minute before he closes his eyes and shakes his head, "you'll...hate me after this. It's... better to die than to have the person you love so much, hate you for the rest of your life."

Louis shakes his head, "I will never hate you Harry. I don't know what you're talking about but I'm willing to know, okay?. And I-i promise I won't hate you after this... please "

Harry watches as louis takes a step forward but he stops him, "Don't step forward!"

Louis stops but his eyes were at the edge of breaking down, he didn't expected to see this after he got engaged with this man who's currently holding a gun towards him right now.

"Harry... let's talk this out. I want to know what is this thing that's making you...kill yourself " louis says and that made Harry's jaw clenched as he tighten his hold on the gun.

"You don't know how many times I've came across this point in my life!" Harry yells making Louis take a deep breath as he tries to hold back his tears, if he breaks out... he'll come out as weak and maybe that'll make him loose the only thing he has.


"The night my family was killed... I held the knife to my wrist and was ready to end myself...but she saved me." Harry says and it gives louis goosebumps cause this is Harry's past that he's hearing from his own mouth...in his own words.

"She...was there with me when no one was. She raised me to be a gentleman but...she forgot where I came from. She expected more from me, I ended up being the most disappointing thing to her!" Harry finally lowers the gun and leans back against the car as he breaths out shakily, "My family was so deeply involved with underworld Mafia dons that they got killed by their own enemies on the night of my...tenth birthday."

Louis wipes the tear that rolls down his cheeks and slowly takes a step closer to him, "Harry..."

To his surprise when harry looked up he looked vulnerable like almost at the edge of breaking, he didn't looked like a man who was ready to kill himself or the person he loves.

Louis takes a deep breath before he's fully standing infront of harry, he looks into those green eyes then at the ring on his finger, "Harry, a person is never judged by his past. The past not something you should remember in present and ruin your future. But you do learn from your past mistakes... you're not the same person you were in the past Harry."

Harry looks down but doesn't says anything, as if he was holding a lot back just cause it's Louis...his Louis.

"I knew you were a Mafia Don when we first met. And i knew how many things you were capable of doing when i fell for you. Even after knowing who you are i loved you the most like I've never loved someone in my whole life...and trust my words harry, i was never a guy to believe in love and all that-"



Louis stuttered cause yes he did expected harry to soeak but not expected him to question this, "Why didn't you believed in love, louis? What was something that made you not believe in love...or was that a someone?"

Louis looks away from his eyes and that made harry smile to himself softly, he knows this boy so well.

"My story is very different from yours, Louis. Maybe there was someone who made you not believe in love but...in my life, there was someone who made me believe in love..." Harry says with the same smile on his face.

Louis' heart was beating faster by each second as he heard more from harry, "Do i... Hold the importance in your life to know about the person who made you believe in love?"

Harry slowly lifts his hand up that wasn't holding the gun and cups louis' cheek, "You hold the importance in my life that... I'm ready to end myself to save you and can also tear this fcking world apart for you..."

"Then why were you going to end me instead of talking things out. Why did you choose to act over your thoughts before thinking twice... imagine how I felt Harry." Louis removes Harry's hand and holds them in his hand before his eyes gaze upon the features of his face as he continued.

"This night was one of the happiest moment in my life, but you also made it the worst by holding this gun to my forehead Harry..."

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