Chapter 26

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".....Who is Bstebbs?" Jack asks.

"This family friend," I answer, sounding distant, "He's weird, crazy, Mexican, and likes to party hardy."

The Indian man, Harold, smirks. "I haven't seen him in ages."

"Why are you here?" I ask him, "Do you know me?"

Harold just shakes his head and smiles, "I live in this forest and y'all trespassed. So I followed you guys. And now you're swimming in me swamp!!"

"Bstebbs never mentioned a brother," I muse thoughtfully.

"Yeah, well, I'm here, aren't I?" Harold smirks.

"We're leaving," Jack demands and pulls me out of the water.

"What the actual hell just happened," I mutter once we're on dry land.

"Yeah, we're never coming back here," Jack says, then looks back at me. "Red, huh?" He smirks, his eyes raking my body.

"Red?" I ask in confusion.

He points at my wet shirt. My WHITE wet shirt. Which you can see my red bra through.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I scowl and cross my arms over my chest.

"But you love me," Jack sing-songs.

I roll my eyes. "You wish."

Suddenly, I'm being pushed against a tree. "I sure do," Jack says against my lips. He leans down and caresses my cheek. He then kisses me and I gasp in pleasure when he presses his body against mine.

I'm going to pass out.

We hear someone clear their throat.

Jack pulls back and I notice Harold was watching us this whole time.

"Get a room, man," Harold grumbles.

"No one asked you to watch," Jack snaps at him.

"No one asked for your moans to be so damn loud," Harold retorts.

"No one asked you to talk to us," I say.

Harold rolls his eyes and pulls out a bottle of whisky from his pants. "Whatever. You two have fun while I die alone," He says, then takes a big gulp from the bottle.

Then, Harold starts to cry. "I'll be alone forever. I will always be single. So yeah, you two live your dream. together like a happy couple. Just great. Just perfect. Ya know, I hate people like you. You're happy with life. While me, I lonely. I don't give a shit anymore, I honestly don't. You two just rub it in my face that I'm a lonely motherfucker and I always will be. Thanks for reminding me about my sad, lonely life."

After his rant, Jack and I look at each other.

"Damn man, that was deep," Jack says.

"Yeah, whatever," He mumbles and takes another big gulp of his whiskey.


Harold is my spirt animal.

Jackie PooWhere stories live. Discover now