Chapter 61

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I make my way to high school during 3rd hour. Apparently, us 8th-graders were going to spend an hour in a high school classroom just to know what to expect for next year.

And the class I was going in, Jack was going to be in there. I was so excited.

I enter the classroom and look around for Jack. He waves at me from the back of the classroom. I make my ways towards him and sit down.

"Hey gorgeous," He whispers and takes my hand under the table.

I smile back and then blush when I think about last night. That was something else.

The teacher claps her hands together. "Welcome 8th graders! I hope you enjoy the experience of being a high school student."

Suddenly, a kid walks into the classroom looking really pale. "Mrs. Mcdodoballs! I took a massive dump in the toilet, then flushed, and now the bathroom is overflowing!"

"Oh my!" Mrs. Mcdodoballs exclaims and runs out of the classroom.

The class breaks into fits of laughter.

"Is this what high school is like?" I laugh and turn towards Jack.

He nods. "Unfortunately."

Since there is no teacher in the classroom, all the kids pull out their phones. Some stand on desks and start twerking, others start drawing dicks on the whiteboard, and others take out food from their backpacks. One kid even takes out a whole pizzia box.

I turn to look at Jack to start some sort of conversation, but a loud banging on my desk startles me.

I look up and see Sam and Michael, glaring down at me and Jack.

Jack rolls his eyes. "Go away dickheads."

"No," Sam snaps.

"What you guys did to our houses was totally not cool," Micheal growls.

"Aw, go cry about it," I mock.

Micheal cocks an eyebrow. "You think you're funny?"

"I know I am."

"We had to spend hours cleaning our front yards after y'all trashed it."

I yawn and lean back in my seat. "That sounds like a you problem."

Sam slaps me across the face.

Jack is out of his seat before I can even feel the pain. "You did not just fucking touch her."

Sam smirks. "Aww, did I hurt your little girlfriend?"

Jack's fist connects with Sam's jaw in a matter of seconds.

The whole class is watching now, everyone recording with their phones.

Sam steps back, then rushes forward and knocks Jack to the ground. Soon, both boys are fighting on the ground. Jack furiously punches and kicks Sam over and over again.

"Fight, fight, fight!" The kids chant.

Sam soon has a black and a bloody nose. "Stop!" He screams. "Stop! I have something to tell you!"

Jack's stops for a second, still clutching his shirt. "What asshole?"

"Me and Lily kissed while you were dating."

The whole classroom gasps.

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