Chapter 40

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"Load me up," Marshall says, holding his paintball gun out.

"Okay," Mylee complies and fills his paintball gun with red, hot, juicy paint.

We were getting payback on Sam and Micheal.

"Load it up good," Jack murmers beside me, "Those bastards deserve to pay for trying to sabotage our relationship."

My cheeks heat up when I think about me and Sam's kiss. Jack still doesn't know about that. I honestly am too scared to tell him.

Hopefully, he doesn't find out.

<Jack's POV>

"Are you okay?" I ask Lily. She was looking a little pale.

"Yeah, I'm spectacular," She smiles up at me.

She is so cute.

"Okay, here." Marshall hands ne a carton of eggs.

"You're egg duty," Mylee points at me, then turns to Lily, "And you're t-p duty." She then hands her a roll of toilet paper.

"Marshall, you're paintball duty."

Marshall grins and acts like he is shooting the gun. He is really obsessed with that gun. Lily told me Marshall had a weird thing for guns, I know see her point.

"What duty are you?" Lily asks Mylee.

She winks, "Bitch-slapping duty."

"Yeah, you're good at that," I murmer and rub my cheek, remembering the time she slapped me.

"Let's go!" Marshalll annocues and waves his arms in the air.

Mylee pulls up with the car seconds later. "Get in losers."

"We're going shopping," I hear Lily murmer.

"No," Mylee smirks, "We're kicking some ass."

We all hop in the car, with me and Lily sitting in the back seat because Marshall called shotgun.

I run my hand down Lily's back, and I feel her shudder from my touch.

I love having this control on someone.

<Lily's POV>

With Jack's body pressing against mine, I am going to pass out.

His hand basically feels up my entire back, and I can not get over how good it feels.

"Ew, what the hell," Mylee gags, looking at us in the review mirror, "Don't do that stuff in my car."

Before I have the chance to say something, the car is stopped and we are in front of Sam's house.

"Stop number 1," Marshall smirks.

"Andddddddddddd, now!" Jack says and we hop out of the car.

I start throwing toilet paper over the trees in the front yard. Jack throws eggs at the house.

*cue the sneaky dramatic music*

The front door flies open and Sam walks out, looking pissed. "What the fuck are you guys doing!?"

Marshall starts shooting him with the paintball gun.

Once he is completely covered in paint, Mylee walks up to him and bitch slaps him across the face.

Then, we run back to the car and make our way to Micheal's house for round number two.


Go bad bitches, go bad bitches go.

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