Chapter 43

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Harold smirks, "Oooga booga guy?"

"Well... yeah?" Jack scratches the back of his head. "You say that a lot."

Harold just shakes his head and laughs. "So, back to my question. What are yall doing in here?"

"We egged and t-ped some people's houses then had an epic car chase form the police then caused some trouble in here to get put into this cell," I explain.

Harold grins, "Badasses."

"So what are you doing in here?" I ask him suspiciously and cross my arms.

He shrugs, "Some people were rubbing a pregnant lady's belly, graduating her, so I rubbed her husband's nuts and congratulated him."

My mouth falls open. "Did you know these people?"

"Nope," He says, popping the p.

"What the hell, dude," Jack laughs and sits down on the ground next to Harold.

I sit next to him and observe what is going on. I notice Mylee and Marshall talking to some big dude. Then, the dude sits Marshall down on a bench and takes a tool out. He puts the tool on Marshall's arm and does something.

"Oh yeah!" Mylee cheers, "Marshall is getting his first tattoo!"

"What!?" I exclaim and get up. I walk over to where Marhsall is sitting.

The dude giving Marshall his tattoo looks up at me. "You want one too, kid?"

"Is that sanitary?" I can't help but ask.

The dude scratches his head. "Um..yes?"

The guy finishes Marshall's tattoo, and I peak at it. The tattoo was on his arm and it was in black letters that said, "Kiss my Soul."

"Kiss my soul...?" I reapet, looking up at Mylee to see if all of this was serious.

Marshall grins, "Yessir."

Mylee rolls her eyes and pushes Marshall off of the bench. "Move bitch, it's my turn."

"What ya getting?" The man asks grufly.

"A Scorpio tattoo," Mylee states.

"What's that?" The Man asks, looking at Mylee confused.

"My star sign you dumbass."

Mylee gets her tattoo, and right when she is done, there is talking close by. The police officer walks with a girl by his side.

"I demand to see my baby!" The girl screams.

Mylee looks up and her face lights up in recognition. "Liv! Oliva, bestay!"

Oliva is Mylee's best friend, but what is she doing here?

"I'm getting you out," Oliva whispers to Mylee.

Jack, me, and Marshall all walk towards where Mylee and Olivia are talking through the bars.

"What's the plan?" I whisper, trying to join in on the conversation.

Oliva grins, "Just watch."

She turns around and clings to the police officer. "You have to let me see my baby! Please! She's like a child to me!"

The officer looks startled. "Excuse me, miss?"


"Okay! Okay!" The police officer quickly unlocks the cell door. "You have 2 minutes."

"Oh! Thank you!" Olivia gives him a sweet smile.

She runs into our cell and we all huddle up.

"So, what's the plan?" Jack whispers.

"You guys run out when I distract him more. The door is open right now, y'all can just run out."

"That doesn't-" I start to say but Oliva cuts me off.

"The plan starts now!"

She then abruptly turns around. "Officer! Thank you so, so much for letting me in."

He blushes. "Oh, it's nothing, miss."

"But really!" She says in an overly sweet voice. "You are far too kind. And handsome," She winks.

His face goes red. "Oh-really. You are the kind one!"

Slowly, Jack, me, Marshall, and Mylee sneak out of the open cell door. We all get out when the officer spots us.


"Run!" Olivia screams and we all take off.

We run down the long hallway towards the front doors. Police officer chase as we run.

"Slow down!" One of them calls.

"Man, I ate too much donuts this morning," Another one says.

"I really need to work out more."

Olivia catches us to us and we all laugh as we continue running. If you can guess, we outrun those fat ass cops.

But now, how do we get away with it?


Shoutout to Olivia!

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