Chapter 35

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I told my mom that I would be spending the night at my friend's house.

I lied.

I'm actually spending the night at Jack's house because his parents were out of town.

*wink* *wink*

I huff as I drop all of my bags on Jack's living room floor.

"Jeez, how much did you pack?" Jack asks.

"Well, I needed food, toiletries, more food, my pillow becasue I can't sleep without it, my phone charger, lots of clothes, some stuff animals becasue I can't sleep without those either, and some pictures so I can feel more at home." I say in all in one breath.

He looks at me like I've grown two heads. Then he scratches the back of his next. "All you needed was a toothbrush and some clothes."

"Well, I am a woman, and a woman needs to be prepared," I explain and sit on the couch.

He laughs, "Well, okay then."

I yawn and lay down on the couch.

"Tired?" Jack guesses.

I nod in response.

"I'll let you sleep then," He says and kisses the top of my head. "Goodnight, blondie."

I drift off to a peaceful sleep dreaming about a certain brown-eyed blonde man.


"Dude, is she dead?"

"I don't know, man. She's breathing, so that's a sign."

"Wake her up."

"No, you wake her up!"







"Assholes," I murmer out loud.

Someone screams, and I hear someone else jump.

I open my eyes and see two guys looking at me. I recognized one, Sam. The other one was another friend of Jack's, and his name was Micheal.

Sam and Micheal both look at me in shock.

"How long were you awake?" Sam asks.

"Not long," I say and get up.

I look around and realize that I am still in Jack's living room. I must have fallen asleep on his couch.

I turn back to the two boys and wonder what they are doing here. "What are you guys doing here?" I question.

Micheal smirks, "Sleepover."

My face drops. Did Jack really invite them over for a sleepover? This was supposed to be our night.

Sam notices my distress, "Don't worry, Jack didn't invite us. In fact, I don't think he even knows we're here right now."

"So, where is he?" I ask stupidly.

"Probably taking a fat shit upstairs," Micheal laughs.

"Lily?" I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, "Are you awake?"

Jack appears at the bottom of the stairs and freezes when he sees Sam and Micheal. "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

"We were bored, so we decided to come over," Sam says.

"I-" Jack starts to say, but I cut him off.

"It's okay," I reassure him, "They can stay for a little bit. I don't mind."

As much as I wanted to be alone with Jack, I didn't want to take his friends away from him. And besides, they can leave in an hour anyway.

"Okay," Jack huffs and sits down next to me.

Micheal grins, "Oh yeah! Time to partayyyyyyyy!"

Sam rips his shirt off and whips it around. "Woot! Woot! Woot!"

"I'm going to get some food," I announce and get up.

These people are weird.

I dig around in Jack's fridge, looking for something to eat.

I notice a pan of brownies that says "Sam" in bold words on a sticky note.

I don't care if those are Sam's brownies, I'm going to eat them anyway.

I eat one brownie, and oh God, it tastes so good. I eat another without thinking about it.

"Hey, Lily! Don't eat any of those brownies in the fridge!" Sam calls from the living room.

I look down at the now empty pan. Oops.


This is the longest chapter I've written.

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