Chapter 42

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We're in a jail cell.


"You guys have been causing us a lot of trouble lately," A bald, fat police officer scowls at us.

"Fun," Jack happily smiles in a cocky way.

The police officer rolls his eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes. You might find a brain back there," Jack mocks.

"Okay! That's it!" The police officer throws his hand in the air. "You're going into the big cell," He scolds, pointing at Jack.

"Oh no! I'm so scared. I'm shaking in my boots. My my, what am I going to do?" Jack continues to mock.

"Jack," I whisper and poke his side. He could get in serious trouble with that attitude.

Oh God. I sound like my mother.

The police officer opens the cell door and drags Jack out. Then, he drags him down the hallway.

Down the hallway to where the larger criminals are. Jack is going to share a cell with real criminals. I hope he survives.

"He gonna die in there," Mylee says to me.

"Well, what can we do about it?" I sigh.

Marshall grins, "I have an idea."

Me and Mylee exchange glances.

"We cause a lot of trouble and get put into the cell that Jack is in!" Marshall says evily.

We all start banging on the stalls. "OH YEAH! COME HERE SEXY OFFICER!" Marshall screams.

The officer comes over to us. "What?"

Marshall reaches out and grabs the police officers dick.

Like actually, grabs it.

"Oh!" The officer jumps back in surprise. Then his face reddess. "Come with me!"

Marshall smirks at us, then follows the police officer towards the cell Jack is in.

"Okay..." I slowly say. "Now what?"

Mylee shrugs, takes her shoe off, then throws it at the officer.

"AHHHH YOU LITTLE SHITS!" The police officer yells in frustration.

When he comes to get Mylee and steps into the cell, I pull his pants down.

"Oh my god!" I laugh, "Are those Dora the Explorer boxers?"

His face flushes with embarrassment.

Then, he drags us to the higher criminal cell where Jack and Marshall are.

Now, this cell is scary.

There are like 10 large men with multiple tattoos and beards. They have the most deadliest look on their faces that scare the shit out of me. The walls of this cell are covered in grattfi, and it smells really bad.

"Lily!" Jack pulls me into a strong hug. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He hisses at me, pulling me against the wall away from the other people.

I take his hand. "I came for you. I couldn't just leave you locked up in here with these psychos.

"Hey!" One of the men bark, "I heard that."

"Sorry," I squeak and hide behind Jack.

"So......" A voice says from behind us.

Me and Jack jump and turn around to see a hooded figure sitting in a corner.

"So what?" Jack says.

"So, what did y'all do to get in here?" The man says, and I recognize his voice.

He looks up and me and Jack gasp.

"Harold?" I say at the same time Jack says, "Oooga boooga guy?"


Ya know I had too.

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