Chapter 69

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<Lily's POV>

We're all walking back to our stupid jail cell when we hear it.

A ticking sound. It sounds like a timer that's ticking dangerously to death.

Everyone looks around, confused. I look around as well, trying to see where the sound is coming from. It's sounds close, and the thought sends goosebumps on my arms. The police escorting us back to our cells look confused, too. They all hold up their guns, ready to fire.

I'm being lifted off the ground before I can even think.

"Shhh," a familiar voice says. "Don't scream. It's me."

I'm hanging off of someone's back. I look down and stare at the ass right in front of me. Hey, I know that ass.

"Jack?" I whisper.

"It's me, blondie."

He runs out of the prison doors and sets me on the ground outside. I look up dizzily to see his handsome face staring back at mine.

I immediately hug him. His strong arms wrap around me, and I bury my face in his chest.

"How come the guards didn't chase after us?" I ask once my brain is working again.

Jack smirks. "Don't worry. Marshall is taking them out right now with his paintball gun."

"What was that ticking sound?"

"Oh," He laughs out loud. "That was just the b-"

A loud explosion cuts him off.

"What the hell?" I scream over the noise.

The jail explodes. Wall explodes after the wall. The whole place crumples. I noticed one of the bathroom walls blow up, reavling a guy on a toilet.

"Woho!" A whole crowd of prisoners run out of the jail rumble. "Freedom!"

A bunch of people in orange jumpsuits run down the road.

"Hey!" I say. "You're letting all of the criminals get away!"

Jack laughs and puts his arm around me. "That doesn't matter."

I noticed Mylee, Marshall, Luke, Olivia, and Harold all running towards us. They are all smiling.

"We blew that bitch up!" Marshall exclaims.

"Man, that was awesome," Luke laughs.

"Y'all couldn't have done it without me," Olivia says.

"Can we do it again?" Mylee smirks.

"Let's go get some tacos now," Harold pats his stomach.

Tacos do sound really good right now.


"What are you doing?" Jack asks me, leaning against my kitchen counter.

It was just me and him at my house, alone. Mom and dad were both out of town, but they knew Jack was sleeping over. I finally convinced them that Jack was a good boyfriend and they approved.

"I'm making cupcakes," I answer Jack's question. I lay out all of my ingredients.

"Can I join?"

"No. You'll mess my recipe up."

Jack is awfully quiet after that. I stare at him as he looks at the floor in silence.

"Jack...?" I say softly. "You know I was only kidding -"

He looks up, and his brown eyes meet mine. "You know what's better than baking?" I shake my head, and he smirks. "Playing with the ingredients."

Suddenly, something lands on my head. White powder comes over me. Flour.

I gasp in surprise. "You did not just do that."

"Oh, blondie, but I totally did." He says in between laughs.

I snatched the tube of frosting and squeezed it over his head.

He stops laughing and stares at me. Jack stands to his full height, towering over me.

"What's the matter, Jackie Poo?" I smirk.

"No one touches me hair." He says lowly, dangerously.

I back away and shrug. "I guess I just did."

It is at that moment when an evil glint appears in his eyes. And out of nowhere, he wraps his arms around my waist and and throws me over his shoulder.

"Oh shit!" I squeal. "Jack, put me down!"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Oh, I don't think so, Lily."

He grabs an egg and cracks it over my head, the gooey mixture pouring down my face. "Gross!" I gag and wiggle out of his hold.

He stumbles a little, and I take the opportunity to run. I grab a carton of milk out of the fridge and pour it over his head.

He slips and falls, bringing me down with him. Somehow, we land with him on the floor, and me on top of him. We're both laughing hysterically, covered in random ingredients.

I stop laughing after a while and gaze into his brown-green eyes. He stares back into mine.

"You know," I say quietly, still on top of him. "If we ever had kids, they would have blonde hair and brown eyes."

Jack smirks. "Is that an invitation?"

He flips me over so fast that I can't even comprehend it.

And suddenly, I am having the time of my life.




I started writing fanfic on me and my crush exactly 55 days ago. 69 chapters in about 2 months.

I'm going to miss writing this because it has come such a long way. But it's not over because there is going to be a sequel!!!!

The sequel is called Luke & Mylee. It's a fanifc on the amazing couple in this book! So read that.

And yeah, it's been fun writing this book thank you for readinggggg.

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