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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

If you haven't noticed already, I've also posted a Wednesday book earlier, meaning both of these stories will be updating at the same time. Unfortunately they won't be evenly balanced, like maybe I feel like posting three chapters of one book all at once then one chapter for the other, it depends on what type of setting I feel like writing because these are drastically different stories. Nonetheless, I hope this doesn't bother you as the reader too much and you can still enjoy this story <3


"Wanna tell each other the answer?" Ippei shimmied his way over to you and Chishiya, showcasing a nervous smile. Even though you were happy to oblige because you know you're not the Jack, well, unless you literally forgot you were, Chishiya was there to immediately rain on the boy's parade. "For all you know, I'm the one who might be the Jack."

The thick silence after Chishiya's last breath of pessimism, but still the cold truth, made your stomach queasy. You were physically in the middle of an awkward interaction, so you desperately find a way to lighten the atmosphere. "It won't hurt to check," You stood tall, "Besides, if one of you were the Jack, you wouldn't kill on the first round. There's three of us and seeing one or two people not make it past the round, you'll just be signing a death wish with the other players."

Although your optimism was like a poison to Chishiya, it was still a logical outlook on the predicament you all were forced into. Seeing Ippei smile in relief made you smile yourself, as he seemed like a genuinely sweet guy. Though, you wouldn't put it past him to be the Jack, that would just be dumb of you.

"This is dangerous territory, Y/N." Chishiya didn't physically stand far away from you, but he still felt so distant. His body language, tone, and expression was cold and uninviting, yet you made your own invitation into his world anyway. You used to be close, so you need to hold onto that as best as possible. "And what's safe territory in your book, Chishiya?" Your semi-rhetorical question was answered with silence, allowing you to further convince the man into following along with the temporary three-way alliance. "Here, I know how we can do this 'safely'. I'll go first, Ippei, check my symbol but whisper it into my ear."

In slight confusion, he agreed to the terms and you showed the back of your neck to him, then turned around to lend an ear. He cupped his mouth to hide his lips from Chishiya's view, "Yours is a spade." You take a step towards Chishiya, "Now, you do the same, and we'll see if your answers match up."

You waited with your back turned on Chishiya for him to look at your symbol, unsure if he's even putting in the effort. What felt like forever, you were about to speak up until your breath hitched when you felt his cold hands brush against the back of your neck. He gently collected the hair hanging behind you and swept it in front of your body, letting his hands rest on your shoulders as he takes a close look at your symbol. Then, he uses his light-support on your shoulders to lean in your ear from behind, even his breath was cold against your skin, which was the total opposite temperature from his. "Spade."

His hands left your body but your body remained frozen from the lingering touch, shivers straying up and down your spine nonstop. Along with your feet and neck, your back had went numb from what you excuse it to be the temperature difference. With that being said, your face, ears, and hands stayed the same, even getting a bit warmer than before. The drastically different temperatures on your various body parts was confusing, but you had to try to ignore it as you've been standing idle for far too long at this point.

"Alright," You swallowed a lump in your throat as you clasped your hands and turn to face both of the guys, eyes naturally going to Chishiya just to be met with a teasing grin. "You both said spade, and you had no way of communicating before hand to lie to me! Think that's pretty a solid way of checking for the time being, right?"

Ippei nodded instantly, just excited that he found himself with the right group of people rather than being with the other sketchy ones. Mostly duos were taken shape throughout the place, but one large group stood proudly in the middle of the room. It was led by a girl flaunting a blue dress, she reminded you of those creepy-yet-pretty porcelain dolls in antique shops. You don't mind to admire from afar and from a window downtown, but never would you buy one and place it in your house.

Unfortunately for you, after Chishiya and Ippei followed your previous symbol-checking routine, the girl had marched over to you. "Hey, do you wanna join our team?" She even smiled like a doll, "No pressure or anything." For obvious reasons, you don't remember most of your positive interactions with strangers, so people by default start off with suspicious vibes, but this girl specifically gets major bonus points for how she stares through your soul.

Luckily enough, Ippei rambles when he's nervous while you just shut down in silence. "It's not that I don't want to—"

"Okay," Luckily for you and Ippei, Chishiya stepped forward to speak for the trio. "We'll join your group." Well, that was unexpected, you thought he would decline for all of you just to get her moving onto the next group, but now you're apart of some pyramid scheme? What's his plan, exactly?

Against your will, the three of you trail quite far behind the group as they gather the last few outcasts with no partner, now ten people, including you, stood in the middle of the room. While the supposed "leader" happily explains thier sketchy tactic for checking everyone's symbols, Chishiya leans in your ear but also directs his message to Ippei. "If you're trying to survive, I would examine all the people here a little more carefully. And to do that, you have to get more personal with them. Just follow along, something's bound to happen soon."

There goes a wave of shivers down your spine, he was like his own body of water splashing waves at anyone and anything in his way, and you've fallen victim of it twice now.

Nonetheless, you and Ippei nod your head in understandment, solidifying your trio-pact for the rest of your Solitary Vacation.



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