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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

i'm at grandma's house... you know what that means. WRITING ALL DAY AND NIGHT! though i'll probably be keeping most chapters to myself and try to keep a relatively steady daily posting this week. maybe you'll get 2 chapters on the same day if i'm in a silly mood

this is soooort of a filler chapter, but very necessary for the next one. so, no warnings! yippee! trying to ease you into the shit you'll read in the next one because OH BOY!


"Damn, that's bright." You mumbled to yourself while shielding your eyes from the bright outdoors, giving yourself time to blink your eyes a few times. It was morning, and the sun show right into your eyes from the hospital window, waking you up much earlier than you intended to. But, it's not like you could go back to sleep, so you got up from the uncomfortable chair. You stretched your arms out and looked down at Chishiya, who didn't show signs of waking up anytime soon.

He must be really tired, you thought to yourself, walking across the room to open up a cabinet. You hadn't forgotten about losing your memory journal just yet, as you made sure to not let it slip past you until you had the time to go search for it. And so, the perfect opportunity was presented in front of you; Chishiya in a relatively safe location, still allowing you to slip past him before he noticed. Still, if he did wake up before you came back, you wanted to save him from the panic of your disappearance, hence why you grabbed a notepad and pen from one of the cabinets.

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Before you storm out of the room, I'm fine. I left my journal at the Teio Prison, sorry for not telling you sooner. You're mad at me, I know, but I can't live without that journal, it's the only thing I have left of who I was. I don't expect you to understand, but if you're not going to tell me how we knew each other in the past, then this is my last resort.

Get more ice from the staff lounge behind the reception desk if your ice pack already melted.

- Doctor Chinen

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You clicked your pen and tossed it to the side, ripping the piece of paper from the rest and placing it on the table underneath the cloth, making sure it isn't swept away by some random gust of wind. You gave Chishiya one last look, making sure he was still breathing, and then took off out of the room. You didn't bring anything but a pocket knife, as the journey was short but not short enough to eliminate the chances of running into trouble.

You didn't find yourself nervous on what's ahead of you on your side quest, as taking care of Chishiya for a few hours had matured you in a way. Who knew that dodging bullets by a hair, carrying an injured man who would've died if you weren't there, helping the shoulder of said-man, and suturing the same man's wound with a damn sewing needle and thread from a grandmother's hospital room, would make you finally man-up to your new world? Damn, maybe it's time you gave yourself a pat on the back every once in a while.

You pushed open the main doors of the hospital and headed straight towards the alleyway Chishiya lead you both through, trying to remember the way to the Jack of Hearts game center as best as possible. It took you a while, but you made it to where you and Chishiya came across the King of Spades, seeing the same car you both hid behind. It had bullet holes on the side of it, dents and scratches from when you dove against it.

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