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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

we hit 16k reads! that's amazing! inching closer and closer across the halfway mark... though i'm not entirely sure how long this will play out, i just know the outline of the events happening. unfortunately i cant tell you if this will end in the next five or fifteen chapters... it'll keep you on your toes tho! also... thoughts on a One-Shots book? i don't think i'll be making a full AIB story anytime soon, but i'd love to do that if you guys are interested! lmk what you think <3

none! no warnings! i can't believe it either!


"So, how'd you meet Chishiya?" A voice finally broke the silence of your travel, it belonging to Arisu. You had your arm around his shoulder for support for who knows how long, limping away up and down steep hills.

"Well, last time I remember it was during the Jack of Hearts game." You looked up at the sky to collect your thoughts, impressed that your memory had extended that far back still. "Though, he told me we met at the Beach, and we used to be close. Unfortunately, I don't remember a single bit of that, but I trust him."

"You shouldn't," Aguni chimed into the conversation from a few feet ahead, not bothered to turn around and face you. "Because you weren't at the Beach. Ever."

You couldn't even generate a response, wanting to defend Chishiya but knowing it's a dead end. How could you tell Aguni that you know you were at the Beach, but you really don't truly know? Hell, what even is the Beach? Is it just an actual beach with a bunch of people grouped up on the same sand, or some metaphor only real members understood?

"Well, you can't know that," Arisu came to your defense when you couldn't. "There were hundreds of people there, she probably just didn't party with the big crowd. It's possible."

Aguni turned his head slightly to glare at Arisu for attempting to debunk his facts. "No, but Chishiya didn't either, and everyone knew him. You always saw him with Kuina and Kuina only. Trust me, I would've noticed Y/N."

Kuina? Who is that? Chishiya never mentioned her before, and none of these guys for that matter. You thought he was just the loner he claimed to be, but why does he have so many close affiliations? So close that they ditch their war plans to go check up on him? Then again, you'd do the same thing for him, and hope he could promise to return the favor, but just how many people are like you?

"Sorry about him," Arisu quickly caught onto your change of expression, swooping in to save your conscience. "I believe you, and he will sooner or later. Just... what happened back there has made him on edge more than ever, and thinks his only purpose is to kill the King of Spades."

You furrowed your eyebrows at him, the way his face fell as he dived deep into memory lane right in front of you was enough to make you depressed. You don't blame any of these guys for how they've treated you, it's survival of the fittest out here, but they were different. They weren't like the Jack of Hearts participants, lying to close ones to save their own skin. They weren't like Banda's henchmen, doing dirty work for a shield of protection. And they certainly weren't like Banda, breathing just to spite another and not for himself.

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