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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

surprise update! rare bonding time with... niragi? don't worry, it's VERY temporary. you're just a little... out of it, because of the obvious. also it was brought to my attention just how much cruelty i've put in this story... so i decided to put on the "mature" rating. i originally didn't switch that feature on because people more use that warning for smut, and i don't have any, but seeing the policy it mentions graphic violence... which i have a lot of. re-reading some stuff i diddd kind of went overboard, and i mentioned in an earlier chapter that i had to REWRITE the part where y/n is kidnapped by banda because even I GOT UNCOMFORTABLE? i guess i didn't realize that the whole killing banda scene was over the top and a bit disturbing, so i'm so sorry if you felt weird after reading. there won't be any descriptive gore like that again throughout this story!

description of previous injuries, gun violence, and an obvious niragi warning, because he talks a LOT.


"Shit, that hurts." Niragi sucked air through his teeth, itching the back of his ear using the edge of a knife. He walked with a limp in his leg behind you, though you were walking slow enough for him to catch up. You've been dragging your feet across the city for what seems like hours, walking the same direction away from the stadium.

"Hey, remember that guy back there? In the tunnel?" Niragi picked up his feet to walk beside you, smiling as he reminisced on his hopeful memory. "Man, you should've seen him, the fucking idiot tried to slit his throat and failed! He was begging me to kill him right then and there, isn't that pathetic?"

You didn't look at him, slowly blinking as everything felt like it was in slow motion. Still feeling the man's eager eyes on you, you mustered up a response to keep him from forcing his knife on you. "Did you?"

"Oh, no," Niragi scoffed, satisfied with your interest in his attempt at small talk. "He needs to sit there and think about how much of a fucking loser he is for failing suicide, then bleed out to death."

You hummed, Niragi mistaking it for agreeing with him, which made him laugh into the clouds. Unfortunately, he sparked a coughing fit after the matter, blood staining his tongue like a kid with a red popsicle on a summer day. Now that you were looking at him, really looking, past all of his burn scars and blood that wasn't his, he did look like a kid. But, what made him so giddy and playful was the suffering of others, which is concerning, to say the very least. You could also tell that he was messed up before the Borderlands, not because of it, which also makes you question his own origin story. Was he similar to you?

"Damn, I'm still thinking about the way you murdered Banda like that," Niragi put his hand on his forehead lazily, "I haven't gotten so turned on since The Beach."

Yeah no, definitely not similar to you. Nowhere near it, actually.

"Wait," You thought out-loud, "You're from The Beach?" Odd enough, you remembered that place being mentioned to you, though your mind has been a bit fuzzy since you left the King of Hearts game. Still, it intrigued you; Niragi's origin, and why he's... well, him.

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