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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

MY BADDD kinda left y'all in the dark for longer than i intended. i was writing this last night and FELL ASLEEP with the phone on my chest... TRUST ME IM DEDICATED! i got a lotttt on my plate at the moment, but i've been wanting to write this for SO LONG, i just wanted to be in a good mood when i did write this so i can give y'all my best work possible. aaaand here i am with 1.9k words just for you guys! hope the wait was worth it at least haha! thank you guys : )

if you remember the final round / scene in the Jack of Hearts game, theeen you know what to expect. but, i'll give you a quick rundown the list just in case: intense arguing that triggers y/n a bit, manipulation, and lots of fear building up in y/n from being around... well, a bunch of psychos. this comes with overthinking and slight panic, though no bad panic attacks like last time.


"Please give your answer." The same digital voice instructed you one last time, to your understanding from your conversation with Chishiya. You still can't fully believe that you'll be out of this prison facility soon, you feel like you've been here for months. Wait, have you been here for months? It seems impossible to you, but the game master did freeze all of the players' VISAs, and with your terrible memory, anything is possible.

At last, you sighed. "Spade."

Even if you had been here for months, you still were never able to not flinch at the muffled explosions down the hall, thinking it was from your own collar. When you opened your eyes to see you staring at the same metal door, your shoulders relaxed, taking a step forward to push the heavy weighted object. Though, as soon as your palm touched the cold surface, something stopped you from exerting force.

A set of laughter, pure laughter sourced from the bottom of someone's stomach to the roof of their throat. They put their entire heart into it, a laugh that can't be earned from a simple comedy show. No, this laugh is from a complete maniac. It's not graceful, like hearing someone not be able to contain their giggles from some stupid joke. Those sounded like music to one's ears, and this one didn't. It sounded fake, almost, like one of those Jack-In-The-Box American toys that you wind up until they pop out of the container, a recording or laughter being set off. It made you want to back into the furthest corner of your cell, curl up on the group, and cover your ears with your palms. You felt like your chest was collapsing in on itself, like a boot smushing down on the center of your chest.

Then, it stopped. The laughter stopped after someone opened the door to their chamber, though you couldn't see who it was. It was quiet, quiet enough for you to cover your mouth and hold your breath in hopes of the maniac outside not hearing you.

"I had a feeling you were the Jack of Hearts." The boot was lifted, you took a deep breath in and out at the familiar voice a few feet outside your door; Chishiya.

You leaned up against the door and pressed your ear on the small window frame, not wanting to walk out there just yet but wanting to hear the conversation. You couldn't make out a single word the maniac mumbled out, even though his laughter was loud enough to be heard from the cafeteria. So, you relied on Chishiya's close proximity to gather context clues on who the mystery Jack is.

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