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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

heya, more frequent updates this week! also, 7k reads? preeetty cooool haha tysm <3

alright, not too much is going on here, as the next chapter is reaaaally treating his wounds. still, there's mentions of blood and wound cleaning. oh, and a blast from the past moment sprinkled in!


"Easy, easy." You calmly talked to Chishiya as you helped him lie him down on the hospital bed. You found the Sakurazawa University Hospital, the same place you were treated for your amnesia, and searched a few rooms beforehand to find the cleanest one with the most supplies still in tact. You were lucky to find a suitable room on the second floor, clean sheets on the bed and stocked up equipment hidden away in the cabinets.

You stood beside the bed with your arms crossed, looking at Chishiya while thinking. "Where do I even start?" You voiced your thoughts out, "Probably your broken arm, right?"

Chishiya stifled out a chuckle and served a small smirk alongside it, "Maybe start with the hand that's bit open, it'll get infected soon."

"Yeah, of course," You nodded along to his advice, rummaging through a cabinet at the back corner of the cramped room. "All I have to do is rap it up with a bandage, easy."

Chishiya shook his head, "If only it were that easy." You stopped what you were doing and turned to look at Chishiya, terrified of what he's about to suggest you do. He couldn't help but open up his smile a bit, showing his forgotten bloody teeth at your facial reaction. "Love, you have to stitch up my hand."

You don't know if you were more taken back by the idea of sticking needles and threads through his skin, or the random nickname. You didn't take it too seriously though, as he seems pretty dazed and lightheaded, he just hides it very well. Has he lost a lot of blood? Or did he hit his head on the ground? Holy shit, you didn't even think of him having a concussion! And after all the self-praise you rewarded yourself for helping him!

"Do you have a concussion?" You mumbled, pacing over to him to check if his head is bleeding.

"Hmm," Chishiya hummed as he let you lift his head to put your hand behind it, "I'm fine."

"You didn't say no," You were relieved to pull your hand back completely dry. "What should I do? Give you an ice pack— Do those things even work on injuries?"

"Hey, hey," Chishiya slurred his speech a bit, lightly waving his scarred hand around by his side. "Focus on one thing at a time; My hand. That's our priority right now."

Chishiya seemed to be fine— well, intelligence-wise at least, so if he did have a concussion, then it wasn't a serious one. He just seems a little dizzy and disoriented, you can handle that. Though, what you can't handle is stitching his hand— how the hell do you do that without hurting him?

"Y/N," His voice snapped you away from your thoughts, putting all of your attention and energy into his further instructions. "Go get a gauze pad and soak it in saline solution. It should be in one of the top drawers." You instantly turned on your heel and did what he said, pull out the top drawers and examine every item in there. Thankfully, Chishiya was right and they were in one of the top drawers, ready to go. You grabbed the gauze pad in one hand, unscrewed the top of the saline solution bottle with the other, and poured it carefully on the small surface. Once it was drenched in the liquid, you rushed over to Chishiya's side.

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