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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

we made itttt! back at the hospital! we're also back with the angst! sleep is for the weak! ITS 5 AM AND I AM IN MY FEELS RN.

y/n takes time to herself to really think about her past... dissecting the horrible details. this mentions self deprecation, hallucinations, overthinking, debating overdose on meds, a panic attack, and resurfacing what went down in her brutal past.


"Are you sure?" The tall woman said in a questioning tone, crossing her arms as she rested her back on the wall. Ever since you, Ann, and Arisu got to the hospital, Ann refuses to admit that she was sore from carrying you for miles, even though it's completely reasonable. And yet, once you slid off her torso, she couldn't keep in her relieved exhale and slouched stance on the support beam. You didn't press her about it though, as you are utterly grateful for her service as your uber.

When you nodded your head, Ann's eyes switched to the door you both stood next to; the door leading to Chishiya's room. "The procedure won't be hard to watch, if that's what you're wondering. I just have to make an arm cast with the limited resources I've got and tend to his concussion before it gets worse."

"No, I know," You murmured, wavering back and forth on the heels of your feet. "I'm just... tired, from today. I'm gonna rest in a different room, but yell when you need me."

Ann squinted her eyes at you, a facial expression you've grown to learn from your time with the woman. She was either judging you, questioning you, or both. Chishiya did a similar expression, though the difference between him and her is that Ann isn't very expressive. She's what Chishiya thinks he is; A human with a stone-cold face to match their stone-cold heart, not offering much body language to give you a hint of their emotions. But with Chishiya, you could make a well educated guess on what he was feeling by the physical reaction he'd let slip out, then he goes back to neutral in a split second.

It's like Ann has a tight grip on her emotions behind the curtain, not giving them a chance to show to the public. However, Chishiya has slippery hands, allowing his emotions to peek out from the curtain until he finally pulls them back into the darkness. You on the other hand? You might as well have no hands in the hypothetical curtain scenario you've created to explain two complicated individuals, as your emotions are running all over the place.

"Whatever you say," Ann placed her hand on the doorknob but didn't twist it yet, turning her head to look at you one more time. "But don't get too comfortable, I'll soon need to suture that wound on your leg. The bandage on it can only do so much."

You flashed an understanding smile to her before turning your back, the smile instantly dropping. You slowly headed for the flight of stairs a few feet away, it taking extra effort to drag your leg up the elevated surfaces.

Out of your own view, Arisu walked into Ann's. "Seems like you've got everything under control, so I'm gonna go find Usagi."

"Not so fast, boy." Ann snapped her fingers, making Arisu flinch. "You're gonna be my assistant while I'm with my patient."

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