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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

happy (late) easter for those who celebrate! sorry for late posts, i'm going through family problems. i'm not sure when i'll pick up the posting paste again but please be patient with me! this story is nearly over so i'm trying my best to not rush chapters, thank you <3

none today, maybe next time? i'm not sure anymore lmao


"Break time is over!" Seito's voice pumping out of the speakers made your ears ring, as the five-minute breather you all were given made you forget how loud he was. The King of Hearts was decent enough to let all of you catch your breath and collect your thoughts after tiptoeing around death on the field, though he wasn't nice enough to go easy on all of you with the next challenge.

"I say," You held your breath during his pause mid-speech, "Find the seat number on the screen somewhere in the stadium." You furrowed your eyebrows at the odd request, but still looking up at the digital screen that hovered over all the participants. G:14 was in bold font surrounded by pure white, no other information was shown. So, he makes all of you go through a minefield, then sets you on a wild goose chase in a huge stadium with hundreds of seats. Are the challenges going to get more and more impossible to survive just so he can kill off as many citizens as he can? All of these were based on the time given to us, people died because they were scared of the short amount, but others were taking the sudden long amount of time for granted.

"And since I was given quite the show earlier in the last few minutes at the minefield," The King continued, "I'll be more generous with the time limit." You knew he was referring to you trying to save that one guy, and it made you sick. He saw your meaningless sacrifice as pure entertainment, but because of it he displayed a thirty-minute timer above the seat number on the screen. Maybe your efforts weren't in vain after all, as that extra time could just save your life in the end.

Everyone immediately scattered across the perimeter of the field, zooming up flights of stairs and eyeing the rows of plastic seats. You watched where everyone went, trying to find an empty staircase so you all cover equal amount of ground and get out of this alive. All of the duos, except for Niragi and the other girl, searched together in each section, but there's no way you'd want to search with—

"You're wasting time." You almost choked on your spit by the voice sounding close in your ear, it's malicious tone making it all too obvious who it belonged to. "Because of last game, he has his eyes on you," Banda circled around to face you, not giving you room to look away. "You have to keep putting up a show for him if you want to get out of here, it's like being the fan-favorite on a televised reality show."

"This isn't some stupid show, this is Hell." With that being said, you shoved past him and ran to the empty staircase a few meters away, knowing he won't rush to catch up. Your agility helped you quickly searched the seats next to the isle, desperate trying to find a clue of how the seats are sorted before Banda's in your ear again. Luckily, he was taking his time walking across the field to where you were, not letting you leave his sight. The difference between the King of Hearts game and Jack of Hearts game is that not only is killing allowed, but it's also encouraged. The finale will be some fight to death with the remaining contestants, a free for all. Banda will be alive then, you can just feel it in your gut, but he cannot be alive after the game is finished, you just can't live with knowing that he's following you back into the real world.

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