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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

LAST CHAPTER ON THIS HEARTS GAME. FINALLY. WE CAN MOVE ON! also i'd like to put it out there before someone calls me out or corrects my writing; with a PARTICULAR scene, (you'll know which one i'm talking about when you read) i have NO IDEA how to make it realistic. details like that are ones that you kind of don't google? because your search history will look very concerning? it's also 7 in the morning right now and my second all-nighter writing... so just bare with me :' )

weeeelll... you already know; lots blood, weapon usage, violence, death, dismemberment, torture, and just a lot of gore... like all the other chapters but this one is more extreme? you'll see what i'm referring to.


"Just choose already!" Niragi wiped his hands over his face in annoyance, "It's not that hard of a decision."

"What? Of course it's a hard decision!" His former partner stretched her voice as far as she could from the blue side, "It's life or death!"

Niragi groaned underneath his breath, though you weren't able to make up any of the words he said due to him sitting on the turf grass. Niragi cleared his damaged throat to yell back, "Maybe for you, but I'm living either way!"

There were three people on both the blue and the red side; three people for trust, three people for betrayal. You, Niragi, and Banda claimed the red heart, whereas the other girl and two military friends claimed the blue heart. It had been ten minutes already, time being waisted on the last guy standing in the middle; the guy who still held his girlfriend's hair in his fist. He didn't pay any mind to the people yelling in his ears, just looked up at the sky blankly.

Neither sides were planning on switching sides anytime soon, which makes the final decision weigh on a dead man. How comforting.

"We've hit the four-minute mark," Seito finally intervened from the safety of his booth. "Figured I should mention that if the final vote is a tie, everyone dies. And if someone doesn't vote, they die either way."

"Kill me!" The teenager finally spoke after all this time, though he still kept his chin directed to the clouds. "Yes, I should die! You have to kill me! I can't kill anyone else!"

"If you don't want to kill anyone, then vote!" Niragi spat in the polluted air, releasing a yawn after his final comment on the matter. You, on the other hand, haven't uttered a word since the last challenge, not being bothered to. You gripped tightly on your arms, holding yourself back from attacking Banda right there and then. Your anger is fueling your intense rush of adrenaline, making it difficult to stand still. Your mind was only on how you'll kill the psychopath, predicting his moves so he doesn't catch you off guard. You can't pay for any mistakes, any delays, or any distractions. You need to kill Banda, and you will live to the end.

What had grabbed your attention away from your own mind was the sound of a laser, which also made Niragi pop up in his comfortable napping position on the ground. A laser had shot the teenager through the skull from the bare sky, you caught a glimpse of the perfectly-circle hole in his forehead as he fell forwards. His hands finally released the woman's head, though managed to still sit right beside him in the end. Well, you sighed and returned back to thought, at least he doesn't have to look at her face anymore.

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