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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

i'm trying to push these last two chapters out so quickly but i want to make sure they're REALLY well written as a proper send-off to the story?!?! i've doubted how i was gonna end this maaaany many times because i want you all to be satisfied with it, but all i know is that y'all WELL DESERVE a happy ending.

vague description of injuries.


"I've told you everything." The man concluded his lengthy explanation to the reciprocator, knowing the truth won't please him. "We're doing everything we can."

He was right, it certainly did not please Chishiya, though he didn't expect the man to lie to his face. "None of this makes sense," Chishiya sighed, an obvious hint of agitation in his voice coated his tongue. "How could she get this hurt? She was in the garden during the earthquake with her mother, yet she came out completely fine."

Chishiya balled his fists in anger, not because he wanted to necessarily get violent with the surgeon, but because he hated not being able to piece everything together. There wasn't enough to go off on, as he was also a victim of the deadly meteor last night, which made everything weirder. He was in the middle of the city with thousands of other people, the same ones who died next to him, and Y/N is in critical condition? Due to the hospital being farther away from the heart of the tragedy, it received little to no impact, so what happened to you?

Chishiya dragged himself out of his deep thinking to eye the surgeon, who had a nervous look on his face. "Are you not telling me something?"

The surgeon scoffed, not completely understanding how that would be a possibility. "Just because I wasn't hurt during the disaster, doesn't mean I'm some 'secret agent' for the government, helping them hide something. This isn't some K-Drama, Doctor Chishiya."

In return, Chishiya shot him a glare, not finding his words amusing whatsoever. Thankfully, the surgeon caught on quickly, following up by clearing his throat. "Look, from doctor to doctor?" He kept his voice low, forcing Chishiya to lean in slightly to carefully catch his every word. "I understand that your concern for this patient is coming from a more... personal standpoint. I know it's hard, but you need to stay professional in times like these, patients need you more than ever—"

"Y/N Chinen is my patient." Chishiya took a step towards the man, eyebrows furrowed in disgust at his words. "Don't call me unprofessional for being concerned for my patient's wellbeing. She's about to undergo life-threatening surgery for her spine and leg to remove bullet shards!"

Chishiya realized his increase in volume, and took a moment to take a deep breath before furthering his main point. "Isn't that concerning to you? Not only as a doctor, but as another human? Did bullets rain from the damn sky, or is there something else going on that we humans can't understand?"

The room was dead silent, the air was stiff, and the tension was suffocating. Chishiya was chest to chest with the surgeon, not letting either of their eyes drift away from each other's. He was desperate to find anything he didn't notice before. Unfortunately, all the man could do was sigh tiredly. "I agree with you, it surely doesn't add up." The man took a step back, turning towards the door to leave. "But, that's not our job to figure out. Our job is to save people's lives, no matter what the cause was."

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