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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

hi! so i'm changing the timeline a bit regarding the rounds. canonically, the round after Ippei's death is the last one and they discover the Jack. however, I want to extend it by two more rounds just so i can fit more dialogue and moments between the characters so everyone has more chemistry. just wanted to clear up any possible confusion!

only soft mentions of nervous habits, such as lip biting and overthinking. mentions of a little blood too, buuut other than that, chill chapter!


"There you are," You stood up from the table you've been sitting at for the longest time, as the announcer already notified everyone that they have twenty minutes left before going back to their chambers. "I haven't seen you since the last round."

The last time you saw Chishiya was when he left with Sunato, then shortly after you had to go to your cell so the round would end. Thankfully, you didn't hear any explosions, however you also didn't hear from Chishiya throughout the rest of the next round as well. Until now, walking through the tall columns of food and choosing to lean on them lazily. "And yet, you still waited for me here."

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" You took a step closer and crossed your arms comfortably, though still maintained a good distance from Chishiya as you've had one too many encounters of someone in your personal space recently. You can forget anything else under the sun, but you don't think you'll ever forget how suffocating that feeling was, that feeling of being engulfed in a cold flame that's also heavy on top of your figure. You didn't know how to describe it other than calling it fear, pure fear that you didn't understand whatsoever. You popped out of your thoughts and back into your conversation with Chishiya, "What were you doing anyway?"

Chishiya tucked his lips in his mouth, leaning over the shelf to snatch the same snack bag he always grabbed. He had finally untucked them to speak, "Business."

He looked up at you to be met with your unimpressed face, patience wearing thin ever since he left you all those hours ago. You and him both knew he owed you at least a few words about it, so he cleared his throat. "Getting information, clearing your name, crossing out other people's names, and even circling one. That is what I've been busy with."

You thought about his metaphors very carefully, dissecting it in your brain until you caught something he said. "Wait," Your delayed reaction amused Chishiya, but he held in his grin. "'Circling one'? Meaning you... found the Jack of Hearts?"

Chishiya simply hummed in agreement as he bit a small crack into his lunch, as if he didn't just solve the entire game. You were stunned at his way of processing this, or was he even? Has it not hit him that they'll be making it out alive, or is he still skeptical about it all? All theories are practical to Chishiya's complicated way of thinking, but to your luck the truth is probably none of the above.

"Well, who is it?" You lead on, inching forward subconsciously to make sure you'll hear him clearly this next go-around. Your words were left stranded, no other commentary from the opposing party to accompany them. To nobody's surprise, this happened a lot between the two of you, where you ask Chishiya something and he doesn't respond.That's when there's a fork in the road; one path is him giving a short answer to shut you up, and the other path is him never speaking until you change the topic yourself.

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