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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood


"Round six begins now." The feminine voice on the intercom alerted everyone in the building, which really isn't a lot of people. There are thirteen breathing participants, including you, but there was twenty just a few hours ago. It feels like you've been stuck in this solitary confinement for weeks, but you're probably the only one who thinks that.

Out in the empty streets of Tokyo, keeping an eye out for lit up signs directing you to games, time went by so quickly. You'd wake up, walk around, enter a game, leave the game a little bit more traumatized, then go to sleep. This endless repeating cycle sure doesn't help your disorder, as it blends your previous days together into thinking only a day has past, when in reality it's been weeks. If it weren't for your journal reminding you of your VISA days, then you would've had a laser strike through your skull a long time ago.

In your psychotherapy, most of your procedures directed by your assigned doctor focused more on not forgetting the present rather than trying to remember the long-gone past. The doctor would always make sure to make everyday drastically different than the previous one, putting a smile on your face for various reasons. Building happy moments in that same old hospital made you want to remember, but now you have a very different mindset in the Borderlands. Unfortunately, your psychotherapy doctor isn't walking around here, so it's not like you can attend your appointments anytime soon.

However, Chishiya has been helping a lot ever since you met him, even if he doesn't realize it himself sometimes. It's the little things that make that day different than the one before, like him directing you to sit and chat in different places. "You ate those yesterday," He'd say as he put away the snack bag you grabbed, "Try this instead."

You like to think of him as thoughtful, even if everybody else who had the pleasure of being a victim of his cold demeanor would say otherwise.

You like to think of him as expressive, even if the expressions in question are as little as his eyes slightly squinting when someone offends him with their lock of common sense.

You like to think of him as observant, even if anyone with eyes could notice you in a particular mood after a round.

You like to think of him

"Y/N," your eyes snapped up at the boy peering through his blonde strands at you, "What's on your mind?"

Uh oh, he's being observant again. How long has he been staring at you? Are you doing the nail-scratching-thing again?

"Nothing, really, it's just," Your words trailed as you watched the other boy pace in front of you and Chishiya, his fast paste back and forth stealing your attention away from the current conversation you were in. Your train of thought seemed to get carried away by the boy in the overalls' body movement, Chishiya taking notice of this and getting irritated.

"Stop pacing." He ordered the boy who immediately stopped in place, facing away from the two of you. Chishiya let out a small exhale, making your eyes dart over to his face. His lips were pressed together in a thin line, dull eyes focusing on the railing ahead through his furrowed eyebrows. Ah, he's being expressive again, too bad you're the only one who could notice his real reactions to scenarios being played.

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