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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

hii! finals are coming up, which is why i've been taking foreeeever to upload. i'm also not happy with how this King of Hearts game played out, i feel like i'm dragging it out but then also if i jump into the end then it's being rushed too much. but, some of you have been commenting that this is basically filler and we need to go back to chishiya already, which i definitely agree with so i think y'all would be happier if i just rushed this game's ending. lmk your thoughts tho!

also read the ending note before commenting on the injuries they have!!!! trust me!!!!

uhhh let's see... we've got death, some blood, weapon usage, physical torture, mental tormenting, and extreme violence.


"Get up already." Your body jolted on the ground at the sharp pain in your side, Banda was standing over you. He had to launch his foot into your side twice before you woke up, though not complaining having the excuse to hurt you again. You laid there for a while on the cement before pulling yourself up in a sitting position, biting your tongue to hold back showing how much pain you were in.

You blinked a few times when you saw the dried up blood soaked into the grass, it crusting all over your skin as well. It had been three rounds since Banda had cut off your finger, Seito had kept going with torture challenges until someone gave up. Your peers in this game were determined, not wanting to fail when they're so close to the ending. With that being said, you don't even remember anything beyond two of your fingers being removed; the ring and pinky finger on your right hand.

The only reason why you knew this wasn't a bizarre hallucination is seeing your hand properly bandaged up, yet still dizzy from blood loss. One of your ears were ringing too like crazy, which just added onto your migraine. It must be from one of the speakers scattered around the stadium, is what you thought as you went to cover your ear drums with your palms.

But as soon as your hand touched the side of your head, you flinched at the wave of pain washing over you. Using your still-in-tact index finger, you tried tucking your hair behind your ear but it fell back over your face. Why? Because you didn't have an ear to tuck it behind. Your right ear was gone— a complete clean slate on the side of your head. In confusion, you kept swiping your palm over the side of your head back and forth, moving it to different areas of your head to see if you just simply missed its placement.

That's when you felt an indention in your skin, stopping your rapid hand motion immediately. Blindly, you traced your finger around it, seeming to be some sort of hole. But when your finger skimmed the insides of it, you felt like you just got shot with a gun straight through your head.

"Fuck!" You gritted your teeth, clasping your hair to use it as a stress ball. Pain pulsated throughout your body, from your head down to your hands, and you screwed your eyes shut throughout the process. You felt like you had been passed out for hours— what happened when you were asleep?

"You probably shouldn't touch that." Banda's voice shot through your other ear, though he barely talked loud enough to overcome the ringing noise. "I've never had to do that before, but I can tell you're in pain."

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