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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood


"People are starting to get nervous." Chishiya narrates his observation of his peers in the room to you and Ippei. "I know they said there was no time limit... except that people are actually starting to die now. I'm not sure we'll find the Jack at all."

"No, we will," You try to stay optimistic even though you didn't entirely believe yourself. "We have smart and observant people like you on our side." You put your hand on his shoulder behind him, causing him to turn and look at you. "Who says I'm not the Jack?"

You give him a look, "Are you the Jack?"

"Yes," He's unfazed.

Ippei gasped, "What?"

You pat his shoulder, "That's exactly what the Jack of Hearts wouldn't say. Good job!"

Although he's left extremely confused, Ippei relaxes his shoulders and leans back on the pillar. "This is so frustrating, how are we meant to find out who the Jack is!"

"Well, I tend to do process of elimination." You step forward beside Chishiya, scouting out the candidates. You point at the girl in the blue dress, "I don't think it's her because she's a leader, drawing yourself so much attention and making the big moves is something the Jack would avoid, as it would put a target on your back."

Chishiya silently watched you very eagerly, he'd always been wondering what goes on inside of that head of yours since he met you. Ippei on the other hand, is sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for what you're about to say next. Well, except he was standing up.

"Hmm," You put your finger on your chin before waving it around the entire group the girl is leading. "Actually, the Jack isn't any of them." Ippei bounced his head at your words, "Really? How do you know?" You pursed your lips, "Just think about it, being in a big group where they have the same trust routine would be hard to derail. Without that guy lying to the bully, it would've taken a lot more rounds for the Jack to make a move."

That's where Chishiya stepped into the conversation, "Not entirely. The Jack only having one partner increases the chances of that partner lying to them out of fear, it's not a good play on their part."

"Alright, I agree," You step up on the imaginable stage with your imaginable microphone, "But so would the Jack. See, everyone would think of that, even the culprit in question. With that being said, the Jack would purposefully team up with only a selective group of people, using reverse psychology. Having two or three people lean on one another for help because they're all scared is the most affective way of proving their innocence, because all they want to do is survive just like everyone else."

The trio was silent, Ippei held his breath watching you and Chishiya's stare-down unfold merely a foot away from him. Then, Chishiya sighed into his words. "Exactly right. See, you also can be a smart and observant person." You punched his shoulder lightly, "Just because I forget somethings doesn't mean I'll ever forget common sense."

The three of you looked over at the large group now heading down the flight of stairs behind the girl in the blue dress. Although you've forgotten many times that Chishiya forced you and Ippei into that group, you proceeded to follow far behind them. Chishiya and Ippei were quick to follow, Ippei moving a bit quicker to catch up to the main group while you and Chishiya lag behind. You took this as an opportunity to spark a conversation you've been meaning to have with him. "Hey, Chishiya?" You watched as he turned to look at you, humming in acknowledgment. "What was I like at the Beach?"

You watched his throat bob up and down from swallowing saliva in his mouth, not responding to you right away. Still, you felt like you have the right to know about yourself, and he knew that too. Chishiya looked forward, "Nothing different from now."

You continued to press him, "What was the Beach like itself?"

"Corrupted. Chaotic. Disorganized. Pitiful." Chishiya didn't hesitate, "Nothing special."

You didn't give up, "What were we?"

"Acquaintances." His hands were stiff in the pockets of his jacket as he stepped down the stairs alongside you.

You didn't dare to peel your eyes away from him, afraid he'll slip away out of your sight. "I don't tell acquaintances my medical history."

"Well," He huffed air through his nose, "You told this acquaintance."

As soon as you made it to the cafeteria, you stood in front of Chishiya so he couldn't walk away from the conversation. "Why are you dodging all of my questions?" You crossed your arms. Chishiya shrugged, "I answered all of them, didn't I?" Your frustration only grew the more you listened to him speak with the same monotoned voice. "No, you're just trying to get me to shut up!"

This was the first time the man didn't vocally reply, and somehow, it made you even more angry. "Look, if you don't want to deal with me throughout the rest of this game, then fine, I'll figure out how to win by myself. Still, for some reason, I trusted you enough to be vulnerable around you, and I guess I really wanted to trust you again."

You leaned in slightly, but he didn't look away. "Just tell me what I want to hear, then I'll be out of your way. It's the least you owe me."

Chishiya blinked, "I don't owe you anything."

Your breath hitched, nearly coughing up liquids from the tubes of your throat. You didn't care to respond, you were so furious that all you could do was walk away from him, having to sit with the main group for the first time just to get away from him. Even though you were risking your life just standing near them, your pride stood in the way of completing the game with Chishiya and Ippei until Chishiya talks to you. Then again, you were so lost, what was he trying to hide from you about your past?



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