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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

just watched Scream 6 in theaters!! lmk if you did too and your opinions on it haha

describing burns, old injuries, and damaged skin, basically a niragi warning.


"Damn, that was far." Your legs aches as you walked up the grand stairs into a stadium, cursing yourself for carrying such a heavy backpack. You had just arrived at the King of Hearts arena, not seeing any sign of other participants so far along your lonely journey. Not knowing what to expect, you packed various traveling snacks, bottled water, and a med kit. With a few pounds on your back during a five-mile walk, the travel was more difficult than you'd hoped for. Maybe you packed too much, sure, or maybe you shouldn't have argued with Chishiya earlier this morning and talking to him would've kept your mind from your sore back. But of course, he never tagged along despite the plan you both came up with. You just hope you both make it out alive so you were left on a bad note.

Maybe that's why you subconsciously grabbed his infamous white to gray cardigan laying in the surgery room, still managed to stay clean in such a nasty environment. It's just in case if it gets cold, is what you told yourself over and over again. To your defense, it was pretty warm despite it being very thin and long, but maybe that's because Chishiya wore it.

Speaking of unfortunates, a sole sign was planted in the middle of your pathway into the front door. "Please leave your stuff here." You read aloud, leaving you in disappointment. So, you carried this extra load all the way here for nothing? It's probably not even gonna be there once you leave the place—well, if you leave.

Good news though, this game doesn't require you to wrap a deadly device around your body! How thoughtful, right? The empty stadium didn't give you much clues though as to what you'll be participating in, but anything is a better sign than an entire prison.

Your shoes slapping the marble floor echoed through the large hallway, hearing chatter at the end of it. With caution, you peaked from the hallway into the main arena, observing your surroundings. It was a popular football stadium, though not-so-popular in the Borderlands with the small capacity of people trapped here. The folded chairs were untouched, and the turf grass in the center was abnormally green as expected. Though, a group of people stood at the center, spread apart in their own respected cliques. You went to move closer to them to get a better look at your competition, however you noticed the lasers less than a foot in front of you.

Once you step through, there's no turning back. Why are you only now getting nervous? You were fine on your way here, though your mind was too occupied with paying attention to your dangerous surroundings in the vegetated city of Tokyo. Maybe Aguni or Heiya are here, so you should check before you enter so you could turn around and don't compete against them. You didn't enter a game with Chishiya, so you'll try to keep the same plan with the friendly faces you've met so far. On that thought, you squinted your eyes to see the far-away faces down below, scanning their features to see if you recognize any of them. There was twelve people standing on the grass, two groups of four and one group of three. The last man, however, stood far away from the rest, still as a statue. His head was tilted down, yet body facing you and away from his peers.

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