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This is my second released story on this account and... if I'm gonna be honest with y'all... The plan I originally had for this story was altered so much? Like... I made up that whole Banda situation on a whim, which also lead to the kidnapping, King of Hearts game, and everything else from the Banda butterfly effect.

It was not supposed to be that dark and gore-y whatsoever... and I'm a little unhappy by how crazy I went on my writing with that LMAO? Seriously, with the Banda kidnapping scene, I had to completely REWRITE it because I put too much detail in his torturing. I don't know WHAT I was thinking, but I'm so glad I rewrote that haha. STILL, I hate that I only realized the amount of gore I wrote in my story when people would reply to it... making me read my writing a few days later and completely regret all my life decisions!

I hope you all still enjoyed it though, I loved reading everyone's reactions to certain parts of the story, y'all are so vocal on your thoughts and emotions throughout the story and I'm forever grateful! Never shy away from posting a reply on a writer's story, we honestly love hearing everything you have to say, because it shows that you are real people reading our work! It's hard to process how many people have read your stuff based on a number, but thoughtful conversations with you guys is such a huge motivator for us writers. <3

if you came from my first book on the Netflix show "Wednesday", then you know what's coming next. If you didn't, then this is where I answer some of the predicted questions based on the future of my account! You can also comment under this paragraph with any questions I didn't answer already.


"Will there be a second book?"
No, most likely not. If there's a season 3 of Alice in Borderland, then maybe I will! 

"Any other AIB books being written?"
Not as I'm writing this, but I did have a Kuina book in the drafts? I'm not really obsessed with the whole idea though, so the likely of that being released is pretty low. I did mention in an earlier chapter if I should do AIB Oneshots, but I'm not sure if I should still do that. If enough people want me to, then sure! Just let me know if you're interested : )

"Anything else other than that?"
Well yes, I hope so! I do have some shows in mind to write about, but I really want to hear recommendations from you guys! Any other K-Dramas/J-Dramas? I had my eye on Sweet Home for the longest time, but I'm keeping an open mind. What about anime? I'm a pretty big anime fan, and have always wanted to write a really good book on Attack on Titan, as I feel like there's a lot of room for imagination and creativity, but still be realistic to their timeline and universe rules. Anymore IRL shows/movies? Another flexible movie setting I could write a story on is Spider-Man, it's one of my current hyper-fixations haha. Like I said before, please let me know what you'd want! : )

"Any fanfic recommendations?"
I have a public reading list of stories with truly such amazing writing and plot, though there's not many because I don't have a lot of free time to read. Still, I suggest you check those out if you haven't already if you enjoyed my way of writing!

"Will there be a posting schedule?"
Sadly no, as having expected deadlines with my procrastination is just not a good mix and I'd rush out a work piece that isn't as great as I could've made it. With this book, I tried my best to do relatively quick updates just because the chapters were at a minimum of 1k words, but I still struggled as you could tell haha. However, you guys were so patient and understanding with me, so that helped a lot. Thank you again!

"What should we know?"
I'm a student that goes to school and works at a job, so I'm juggling a pretty busy life with writing stories, meaning I will not always be on here. I usually post fairly late at night on my timezone (EST) just because I write at my best at the end of the day in my room.

"Anything else?"
I love you guys from the bottom of my heart, and I love talking to you all. I will be continuing to interact with you, even if I never post a story ever again. Stay in contact, ok? : )


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