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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

i'm on break from school this entire upcoming week... you know what that means. MORE UPDATES! hopefully i can make up for the 4 days I took to make the last chapter, AND THESE ARE THE BEST ONES TOO! you guys better be grateful i swear /lh

trying to keep this as vague as possible without spoiling but... mentions of torture? but no real description of it, i promise. then lots of overthinking and being freaked out, but that's the normal. oh... and a sprinkle of violent action on the streets... ♠️ yk.


"Ready to go?" Chishiya approached you sitting on the ground in the main room of the prison. Technically, the last round wasn't truly the last, but it might as well be as the next was just to kill off the Jack of Hearts. Still, hearing the screams from that kid in the cell right next to you was taunting, one last reminder of what's happening a wall away. You knew what they were doing to him, but you tried not to think about it. He deserves it, is what you'd tell yourself every time he pushed out an agonizing yell from the depths of his sore throat.

They took up the whole round torturing him, trying to get information out of him, but none of it worked despite how scared he was. You all went to your respected cells after sharing to one another what your symbols were, then said your answer and heard one last explosion. You rushed out of your cell as quick as possible, sitting in the large corridor where you first rested at before the game started.

And where you met Chishiya, the man standing over you now with his hands in his pockets, giving you the same indifferent look. A look that you wouldn't expect to see after he watched the two psychopaths torture the Jack. But, Chishiya's not a psychopath, you wouldn't give that more than a second thought.

Although it was a delayed response, you simply nodded at his question, standing up on your feet and leading the way out the prison. You swallowed a lump in your throat, "Was it fun?"

"Hmm?" Chishiya cocked an eyebrow at you walking beside him.

"You heard me," You didn't dare to look back at him, biting the inside of your cheek. "Was it fun watching that boy get tortured."

When Chishiya didn't answer, that's when you looked over at him and tilt your head dramatically. "Hmm?" You mimicked.

"You're upset," Chishiya squinted his eyes as he read you like a book, making you snap your eyes away from his intimidating stare. "Why?"

At this point, you both made it outside of Teio Prison, and you more focused on your forgotten surroundings. It was in the middle of the day, the same time you entered the building. It was like the game only took a second, that whole traumatic event was only worth a second.

You opened your mouth to verbally respond to Chishiya, but your breath hitched at the sound of an explosion. You thought you were done with that, is the collar still around your neck? Is this the next stage? Are you not done yet?

Chishiya saw you ghosting your hands around your neck, feeling for some sort of collar, or at least feeling your head still attached to your body. So, he turned you around to see the cause of the explosion. It wasn't someone's collar, it was the Jack of Hearts blimp bursting into flames. You relaxed at the sight of it, finally coming to peace that you completed the horrid game, all while being beside Chishiya.

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