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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

hey! couple chapters left, can't give an exact amount because i don't even know haha, but i'm gonna try to finish this in early may at the latest, then start up a new story (if i have time) in summer! this story might be coming to an end, but i'm not going anywhere : )

nothing bad, just a niragi warning haha


"It should be right here!" You spoke to yourself, making the girl you were searching with nervous. You triple checked your math on the rows and numbers, and seat fourteen on row G should be right here! You've done everything; Check the seat for scratches, buttons, and even sat in it to see if it would signal anything. But, there was nothing, it was just another ordinary seat in a random row with other ordinary seats.

"Uhm—That's okay, this is okay, we still have..." The quiet girl glanced at the digital timer on the field, "Ten minutes. Stay here and keep looking for something, I'll retrace our steps and see if we missed something."

Frustrated, you nodded in silence as she scurried away back to the top of the stairs, back at the first seat with the scratches on it. The girl told you to keep looking, but you've literally looked everywhere in the seat's vicinity, yet there's nothing different about it from the rest. Still stressed, you scanned the area to find Banda, seeing if he's caught up to you or not. Surprisingly, he was nowhere in sight to surprise you and whisper behind your back, which gave you time to rest. You rested your arms on top of the chair, dangling your head down in front of it.

After some time, your grip on the plastic strained tighter on it, and you started to tug on it. You weren't trying to find anything, you were just so angry that you wanted to break the chair. You usually never get so furious to the point where you become unnecessarily violent, but you were just so frustrated with yourself. Chishiya would've figured this out with no problem, why can't you be more like him? Why did you have to be some stupid safety hazard who can't remember people they've known their entire life? Why—

You fell back, the plastic you were tugging on had torn off of the chair which made you lose your balance. Luckily, the row of chairs behind you were sturdy enough to keep you afloat on the platform and not tumble all the way down. You still held the cracked plastic in your palms tightly, examining it quickly before tossing it to the side. Even though the chair is simply made of weak plastic, you didn't expect it to tear off so easily. There's metal bars for support and sturdiness on the outline of the chair, meaning you tore it off the metal too. It should've taken a lot more force, surely you didn't become strong all of a sudden.

Doubting your own strength, you carefully checked the new scratches you made from your act of rage, grazing your finger along its edges. Then, you eyes behind the chair, expecting to see a metal bar across the back just like the other chairs. Although the metal was there, it was incredibly loose, explaining why it was so easy to rip a piece off from its grip. You were able to tug the bar, but not enough to pull it off the chair.

You noticed how it's only lightly screwed on, which reminded you of your own screwdriver you got from the weapon table earlier in the game. You know you weren't the only one with a screwdriver, as it's very useful in different ways, but you felt confident in your choices so far. Seeing that the bolts fit perfectly with the top of the tool, you started twisting your wrist to drag the bolts out.

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