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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

WHEW, i'm relieved you all had a good reaction to the last chapter, it was ROUGH to get through. thank you all for the kind words and patience for me! <3

y/n is still hurt with her wounds, so lots of descriptive pain revolving how she's handling it. still upset about her past, which she will be for the remainder of the series.


"Is she dead?" The taut voice echoed in your ears, though you chose to keep your eyes closed. Depending on your ears only, the voice didn't sound like any of Banda's men, as theirs were more orotund and gruff.

"Who cares," To your surprise, a more feminine voice spoke up. "We've wasted enough time saving her."

"She's right," A flat, masculine voice was heard farther away from your ears, making you put up your guard again. "We killed all of them, but it's not like she'll be any use to us."

You wanted to open your eyes right then and there, but you were hesitating after what you just went through. If they thought you were dead, then they'll just leave you there and you can go back to Chishiya quietly. Then again, with your leg and other wounds, could you even make it a mile on your own?

"But— we can't just leave her here." The first person rushed their pitch to the group, "You see her injuries, if the King of Spades finds her, then it—it's over!"

Tasting the blood filling up your mouth alarmed you, remembering your final moments with Banda. He held a knife to your tongue— did he actually cut it off? It only stung, but you didn't want to move and let the others notice. They think you're still unconscious, so it should stay like that. You'll wait until they leave, and flee before the King of Spades tracks you in the forest. It'll be easy avoiding him by yourself, as he had a huge blimp following his every move.

"Enough, Arisu." You learned the name of the first boy from the third, "She's a goner either way. We don't have time to be good people, not anymore." You mentally frowned at his words, more upset at his very sensible logic more than him leaving you for dead. If the roles were reversed, you'd do the same thing. You wouldn't blame them for leaving you, as they sound like genuine people just trying to survive out here.

There was a large moment of silence, just the wind to blow against your ears. You felt it tug at your hair tangled over your face, desperate to move it but it would blow your cover. Though, you didn't worry much about that as you were occupied with the pool of blood rising in your mouth, slowly sinking into your throat. Once it touched the back of it, you choked, jerking up out of the chair to spit it out.

The trio jumped at your sudden movements, only then did you realize what you'd done. You blew your cover, and now have to open your eyes to see who all stood over you. There was two men and a woman, as you expected from their voices. The closest one to you fitted the first voice; Arisu's voice, his nimble figure fitting his fruity voice. Next to him was an older man, definitely fitting the rough masculine voice from before. His head was shaved and wore military-like attire, a true soldier molded for the Borderlands. Then, there was the girl, a lot younger than the other two. You still didn't make the mistake that she was as innocent as her given age, as her face was tough and drew an arrow back in her bow aimed straight at the center of your forehead.

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